Direwolves Pack

They broke the camp before the sun was even ready to rise. Because the camp was set up in a simple way, they could quickly pack up and leave.

Just like yesterday, Aerchon ordered his army to advance at a fast pace because time was running out.

They passed through the forests and valleys that they usually passed peacefully if they went to Sylvan Haven. However, now they no longer find the same thing.

There is something different in this place. The water turns denser and suffocating.

The Elves didn't know whether it was because nature was starting to change or just because they were still panicked by the appearance of the Flamefoul.

Aurdis heard many words from the Elves saying that they felt something strange was happening. And she felt it too.

'This is not just because of that Flamefoul. The nature has indeed begun to change.'