Depart Again

They proceeded to continue their story. Every word uttered from their mouths contorted King Gulben's face into a frown, shock, and anger.

He couldn't believe that his brother would be so cruel to his kingdom. He didn't even hesitate to unleash the curse of the undead upon his people.

The curse that had the same properties as the one that killed his wife.

Gulben let out a long sigh as if he had just released a heavy burden from his shoulders. But the burden had not yet lifted.

"(Fortunately, you managed to defeat it.)" the king then turned to Aurdis. "(You did a good job summoning the forces from the Forest Elf.)"

"(Actually, the reason we won was not only because of the Forest Elf, father. It was Erend who did a lot,)" Aurdis said.

"(Erend again?)" King Gulben looked at Aerchon and Saeldir, who were also present before him. They nodded, confirming that what Aurdis said was right.