Back At The Palace

A portal opened in front of them. They were now at Erend's home after obtaining special permission from General Lennard to return early.

The portal was white and emitted a rather dazzling light. It was slightly different from the portals that had been taking them to Eternal Earth. But Aurdis's voice buzzing in Erend's head reassured him that this portal would indeed take them there.

"Aurdis said that when the King returned, an ancient Magic enveloping the Palace also ignited. That's what makes this portal appear brighter than before," Erend explained the situation to Adrien and Billy, who looked puzzled.

Adrien and Billy nodded their heads. They immediately realized that the power of the King of the Elves was indeed so powerful that with his presence, an ancient Magic could awaken from its slumber.

Erend, Adrien, and Billy stepped into the portal with confidence. After not going to that other world for so long, they finally returned there again.