
The journey back to the Elf Palace began in earnest. Erend, Saeldir, Adrien, and Billy made their way through the dense forests after going through the underground structure that close to the borderlands of Khazadrim. The air was crisp and cool, a stark contrast to the sweltering heat of the forges they had left behind.

However, the serene surroundings couldn't mask the growing sense of unease that hung over the group.

As they delved deeper into the forest, the first signs of the anomalies began to manifest. Erend, leading the group, was the first to notice.

"Weird," he muttered, his eyes scanning the treetops. "Did any of you see that flash of red?"

Adrien who walking beside him frowned and looked up. "Red? No, I didn't see anything."

But Billy nodded to that statement. "I saw it too. Just for a split second. Looked like a streak of red and black in the sky."