The Other Journey

Meanwhile, Adrius also was making his way towards the Astoria kingdom. He traversed the rugged terrain with a determined stride, his mind focused on the preparations and alliances that needed to be secured for the upcoming conflict.

There will be a lot of convincing. He could already imagine how troublesome it would be to talk to that king, queen, and their subordinates who only cared about power. It would be difficult to convince them that there is a worse doom than losing their power in a political war.

As he walked through dense forests and over rolling hills, he too began to notice the strange anomalies. The sky above him was no longer just a serene blue; instead, ominous flashes of red and black streaked across it at some point, casting an eerie glow on the landscape below.

Adrius paused, his eyes narrowing as he observed the unnatural phenomenon. "This is not a good sign," he muttered to himself. His grip tightened on his Starsteel staff.