Meet The King

Adrius met King Aethor's furious gaze with calm determination. He had expected resistance, especially given the manner of his return. But time was of the essence and he had to make the king understand the urgency of the situation.

"Aethor, we don't have time for this," Adrius said. "The Great Calamity is not a tale to frighten children—it's real, and it's coming!"

King Aethor's expression hardened further, his anger barely contained. "You dare return to my kingdom, cause chaos, and then spout these tales of doom? You fled from your responsibilities once, Adrius. Why should I believe you now?"

Adrius took a step forward, his eyes burning with conviction. "Because the signs are all around us. You cannot afford to ignore this threat. And I didn't fled from my responsibilities, I go to stop your insane plane from happening. If I stayed that time, you would have slaughter a city already."