His Effort

The massive serpent, woven from pure lightning, hissed and crackled as it lunged toward Adrius with terrifying speed. Its electrified form lit up the throne room, casting flickering shadows across the ornate walls.

King Aethor and Anara widened their eyes in shock, realizing that Lysander had cast a spell meant to kill. The guards and courtiers behind the protective barrier gasped in horror, their fear palpable.

But Adrius remained unfazed, his expression calm and composed. As the deadly serpent closed in he raised his Starsteel staff and channeled a small, precise amount of his Magic into it.

The staff began to glow with a soft, steady light, a stark contrast to the chaotic energy of the lightning serpent.

With a graceful motion, Adrius pointed the staff directly at the incoming serpent. The serpent's momentum didn't waver; it surged forward, intent on delivering a fatal blow.