Consolidating Words

As the throne room buzzed with activity and preparations for the impending threat began in earnest, Adrius felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him. The confrontation with Lysander is not even a burden, but the emotional toll of reuniting with King Aethor – his old friend – had left him drained.

Yet, he knew there was one place he needed to visit before he could rest—a place that held countless memories and a deep well of knowledge he might need in the coming days.

With a nod of acknowledgment to King Aethor who is starting to become busy more than ever, Adrius made his way through the familiar halls of the castle.

Lysander had gone somewhere after his defeat, probably going to cursed at some hidden place.

The corridors echoed with the sounds of hurried footsteps and urgent conversations, but Adrius walked with a singular purpose. He was heading to his old chamber, the one he had once called his sanctuary.