The next day Alex woke up, She had a choice before her, continue to study the ships systems, or start trying to trickle out bits and pieces to society. While she did not have the capabilities of creating the power source for the communications device, she knew that based on the materials used in it, and the concepts behind it.
It was not impossible for the current society to develop a rudimentary power source for the device. It might make it about twice the size of it currently. But it would be refined. And She would be introducing the device she had been working on and studying as the prototype. So Alex believed that it would quickly be minimalized.
After thinking it over for a bit, She decided to go with this plan. It would revolutionize the telecom industry of her world, and many of the concepts are sufficiently advanced enough to give the scientific world many choice morsels to snack on and understand. The one thing however that she would need, is to manufacture a broadcasting station for the device to work, and to do a bit of programming.
The programming would be the easier part, she could use her cute little AI friend in her head to help out with that, and there just happened to be some basic information for a broadcasting station for the device. Though she would have to do some of her own work as the basic information wasn't enough to just copy it and construct the device, so she would have to work out the parts that it doesn't cover.
This would be a task that would take quite some time normally, but with the replicator at her disposal. It can be taken care of pretty quickly. She thought that perhaps by the end of the day she could have it finished, and then spend the week between classes working on the operating system of the device. With gusto she began to manufacture the broadcasting device.
With the help of the replicator, ships computer and the information available she was able to create the device by the evening. along with the schematics of the device stored onto the ship now, all she would have to do is create the programs for it transcribe the schematics and then figure out how to introduce it.
The next day she had some classes in electrical engineering, Structural engineering and aeronautics. It left her with little time throughout the day to do any studying of her files, and after the classes, it was mid afternoon. She went to her physics professors office and checked to see if he was in, thankfully he was and just working on some papers. She knocked on the door to get his attention "Come in" was the response
"Hello professor," She smiled at him "I hope I'm not interrupting anything?"
He waves his hand dismissively "No, noting too terribly important Miss Voss, how can I assist you today?"
"Um... are you familiar with a professor from the Comp-sci department, a Mr Richard?" She decided to ask
His eyes glaze over a bit, and sighs a bit "Yes I'm familiar with him, what did he do this time?"
Alex looked at him a bit confused. She shook her head and responded to his question. "No I was just hoping you might be able to give him a call, because I needed to talk to the both of you about something rather important."
The professor was a bit confused as to the request, "Might I ask what this might be in reference to that you would need the both of us for?"
"Oh Sure, I'll hold of on the details for now if you don't mind, But after our discussion the other day, and after my class with him I got to thinking, and came up with something that I thought the both of you might want to take a look at. It's a design concept for a communications device." Alex states
The professor nods, "I'll humor you for this as I did unintentionally take up a lot of your time and you were kind enough to listen to my ramblings the other day." He picked up the phone on his desk and dialed a number and waited a few moments "Dick, its Jim, if you have the time would you mind coming to my office right now? one of my students has something she wants to talk to you and me about....Yes, I know, But it is one of your students as well, I think you remember Miss Voss?... Yes, Ok, I'll let her know, see you in five."
He hung up the phone and turned to look at Alex, "Well as you heard, he said he will be here in about five minutes."
Alex nods to this and begins to take out some files and a device, the professor while before seeming a little dismissive about it turned a little more curious and cleared off a space on the desk to put everything. Once he saw the device his curiosity piqued, if she had all this work done and even constructed a prototype, then this wasn't just some simple thing to be dismissive about. Around this time a knock came at the door and Richard let himself in.
"So what was this you wanted to talk about?" He asked as he made his way to a chair and then noticed the stuff on the desk.
"Hello again Professor, Sorry to go in such a roundabout way to speak to you, but I thought this would be the fastest way to talk to you both without having to repeat anything." Alex states and gestures at the papers and the device on the table "I wanted to present to the both of you something that I just recently figured out and came up with after taking both of your classes and the discussions we had before and after them. So I figured you two would be the ones that would be able to appreciate it, or critique it the best."
The professors both take a cursory glance at the paperwork, looking through it and then after several minutes their eyes go wide in shock and they start furiously looking over the documents, Richard starts to look through the schematics, and Jim through the equations. This goes on for about an hour and then they pause and look up at Alex.
"D...Does this actually work?" Jim asks
Alex shakes her head "As of right now the device does not work for communication as I have not created the operating system for it, I was planning on getting that done this week." She reaches over and turns the device on "But as you can see, the device does function, in that I have managed to turn it on."
The two professors stare at the device dumbfounded and Alex adds "Oh I also have this," And she pulls out a slightly larger device "This is the broadcasting module for the communications device. This will also work properly once I get the operating system created for it, And yes, it is supposed to create instantaneous communication between two devices, However I only had the resources and components to make the two things you see here. So in order to actually test it, I will need to get a second device made. And that is where I was hoping the two of you could come in."
"I...instantaneous? by that what exactly do you mean?" asked Jim
"I mean, that theoretically, this should transmit communications on an FTL basis, using the concepts similar to quantum entanglement." Stated Alex
"Hold up, are you meaning to tell us, that you have, even just theoretically, created a device able to exceed the lightspeed barrier?" the Physics professor asked again and Alex simply nodded "That is exactly what I am saying. And if we can create a second device for this, we might just be able to prove it. though We would need to figure out how to go about running the tests with something that has a sufficient lightspeed delay for communications. or at least being able to measure what that delay is between the two objects." She responded.
Richard decided to speak up at this point "If what you said is true, then you are aware of what this means right?"
Alex nods "Yes, it is a revolution in both physics and communications technology. I'm not going to pretend that I am unaware of this, but neither am I going to act like I'm the greatest mind or inventor of our time. As I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who would be capable of understanding this stuff much better than I can. I just count myself as having had a potentially lucky break."
The two professors look at Alex with a respected gaze as she displayed a great deal of humbleness, But they also had no way to know that she was also being quite truthful about the situation. Considering what she had accomplished in the last month and a half, it would not have been possible had she not been lucky to end up the guinea pig of that crazed scientist of that far off society, and an AI that happened to gain sentience, as a direct result of it interacting with human information.