The professors spend some more time over the files and the device and speak to Alex questioning certain aspects that left them befuddled, and wondering how she managed to make such assumptions. Jim called up one of the Mathematics professors, which incidentally also was one of Alex's professors as well.
The third addition to the room going over the information was enamored with the mathematics before him "Simply astounding, fascinating. I cant find any errors in the math here. Its new, but it certainly works." He looks at Alexia "My dear, how did you come to such conclusions as this? It's absolutely marvelous."
Alex just smiles slightly and replies "I had a bit of an epiphany after your class and as I already had the concept of this device in my head, I went through what math I knew to try and make it work, but nothing fit. I couldn't come up with a solution to the problem, And so I took the rules of mathematics that I knew and just kind of ran roughshod over it, throwing things at it to see what would stick." No way would Alex state that someone else in an alien society was the one that did all the work, and Alex is unabashedly just stealing that and purporting it as her own. Then again, humanity at present wouldn't even believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life. Not when they have not found any evidence of them as of yet.
So Alex did the only logical thing, Steal the information to reverse engineer it to humanities needs, and shamelessly open up the possibilities to make insane amounts of money. Then silently thank the minds of the more advanced civilizations for their hard work, Of course she also didn't think the races in the federation that Ash spoke about would react all too kindly if they knew about this.
So it was equally important to go about doing this in as discrete a manner as possible. While she could somewhat recreate the devices so that they function. The next thing she would have to do when writing the program is to get AI Lex to help her out in writing the program so as to encrypt the data so it wont be detected by those races.
Alex assumed that they would have some means to detect FTL signals, and Alex wanted to be sure that they weren't alerted before humanity was ready for interacting with them. Ideally a few years after she introduced FTL travel to humanity, until then, there was plenty of things to reverse engineer on the ship. The next thing to work on would be the computer systems of the ship themselves, then the replicator. once that's done, Unless someone else already manages to develop an FTL drive from that information, she would do so herself.
The mathematics professor nods and copies down the formulas and checks them over several times and nods "Well sometimes such revelations come from the most unexpected sources, and in the most unexpected ways. I would say that the math checks out quite nicely, but if you wouldn't mind, I would like to run this past a couple of my compatriots from other universities?
And I would probably recommend that you start writing up your thesis on your works here." He chuckles "Who would have guessed that a new freshman would already have produced something worthy of a doctorate level thesis? If all of this checks out, then... I can only imagine what would happen."
The two other professors nodded and expressed the desire to do the same. Alex acknowledged the requests and also requested to publish the schematics and device into one of the scientific Journals to which the three professors all agreed she should do, They had her gather everything up and the group ran off to the deans office.
They managed to catch the dean just as they were leaving the office. Jim spoke up first to catch his attention "Dean, we need to speak with you, its quite important." The dean turned around as he was called out. "Jim, I was just about to head home and get dinner, cant this wait for tomorrow?"
Jim chuckled a bit in embarrassment "I understand, it is late, but you will want to see this, and if we have you wait till tomorrow your going to be mad that we didn't have you look at it today, I promise this will entirely be worth your time." The dean just sighed and walked back to the office
"You have five minutes, if it really is something that could have waited till the morning, I'm going to reduce your research funds for the next year." Jim just smiled back confidently "You don't really mean that, but regardless, after you read this, you will forget you ever said that." he laughs.
The dean grumbles "Just for that comment, I'm absolutely going to reduce your research funds," The dean sits at his desk "Ok, Jim your time starts now, What's this you have to absolutely have me see right now?"
Jim chuckles "Oh its not me, Its our student here," He gestures at Alex "She has quite literally made a world shattering discovery and... well... Miss Voss, can you show him?"
Alex nods and walks up to the desk and pulls out the communications device and broadcasting device and sets it on the table for the dean "Here you go dean, this is the communications device that I created, I just finished it last night. And brought it in for the professors to take a look at" Alex smiles at the dean. He looks at the device and back up at Alex and to the group, and back at the device. a vein starting to be visible on his forehead.
"Jim... Really? this toy? It looks like a simple handheld phone, just a slight bit bulkier. And this is what you said absolutely couldn't wait till tomorrow?" The dean glowers at the professors and at Alex, the other two chuckle and Jim just shakes his head and sighs "Alex, please, don't tease the dean like that."
Alex clicks her tongue and looks back a the Professor, "Your no fun." She pulls out the files and hands them over to the dean, "Here you go, these will explain just exactly what this device is, and should do." The dean reaches out and accepts the files with a skeptical look at the girl and the three professors. "I am absolutely serious now, If this doesn't wow me, I am cutting all your funding, for all three of you." he gripes.
Alex stands there quietly and confidently as she watches the dean, she watches his expression as he reads it. It went from apathy to confusion, from confusion to intrigue, and from intrigue to shock. "Is... Is this a joke?" the dean looks up after about twenty minutes of reading the documents.
"No dean, I assure you it is no joke" states Alexia. The professors behind her all nod their head "Indeed, it does not seem like a joke to us either, though it seems that the devices haven't had a chance to be tested yet and needs some software uploaded to enable functionality, but the math certainly does check out it would seem." Said the mathematics professor.
The dean looked back down at the files "Your aware of what this means if these are in fact real and does what you claim it does right?" Alex nods and replies "Yes, That's why I would like to have these published in one or all of the journals. As well as needing to create a second device and find some way to test it out."
The dean nods "From what it looks like there isn't too much needed in specialized machinery to create the device. The power supply, now that is something that alone would be worthy of scientific prizes. I'll support whatever you need for this. Make it and I will make some calls." He immediately picked up his phone and dialed a number. "Greg, its Anderson.... Yes, she's doing well thankyou. Listen I actually called to find out when the next resupply launch was scheduled.... That soon? Just a moment" The dean looked up at Alex, "How long would it take you to make another device?"
Alex plays at thinking for a bit "If I focus on it, maybe three or four days? I should have the operating system completed by the end of the week regardless." The dean nods at that and returns to the conversation on the phone "Listen Greg, can you find a way to fit in a small device, Well two small devices onto the resupply mission?"
The dean lifted up the device as if weighing it "The device isn't more than maybe seven pounds combined, and is just a bit larger than a phone.... Really? Ok I'll get it to you in four days, can you meet me at the college? Thanks." The dean put the phone down "You have four days to complete it and bring it to my office. It will be on the next launch to the space station, you'll also need to have instructions with them, so they know how to operate it."
Alex nods and smiles "I will make sure that its done." She packs everything up and the dean sits back in the chair and watches the group leave his office and starts to chuckle. "Jim certainly was right about that. I would have been furious if they had waited till tomorrow." the dean sits for awhile before getting up and leaving himself.