Two things Gwenevere Welch believed in, one; men were scum, and two; they were only good for two things: making a baby with, and fucking. And if a man wasn't good at those things, then he couldn't call himself a man.
Like the meaning of her name, Gwen was beautiful in all ramifications. She was tall, slender with curves in all the right places. Her smooth fair skin was as enticing as anything could ever entice, her black long thick hair falling graciously to her back. She was the present day Snow white, if Snow White was slender and tall with grabbable boobs and ass.
She was a dominant, with an attitude problem.
You can't have it all now can you… Except, Gwen thought she could and she made sure everyone she met believed without reasonable doubt that she could have it all.
Gwen played with men, and she slept with whomever she damn pleased. The thing was, she was brutally honest, so anybody she slept with, she made aware that the sex was only sex. No emotions, no attachments, just two people having a good time. And they all seem to think it's a splendid idea until they get to know her and get to see how wonderful she is.
Gwen was nice, charming and giving. Character wise, she was wife material as well as best girlfriend material. Gwen was everything a man wanted. A good woman who would support him when he needed it, a wife who behaved like a whore only with him, someone beautiful enough to flaunt and show off, a wife who could be a child; playful at the right time, and a woman who had a very good heart.
Gwen was perfect. She was like a beautiful porcelain with a hidden crack. Only when you look close enough will you see the scar that made it not so perfect.
Gwen was a conqueror. She conquered men. She had one motive and one motive alone. That all men suffer what she'd been through many years ago.
Gwen was nineteen, and her body count was over her age.
Gwen was raped by five different men when she was only thirteen.
Gwen vowed to have her revenge.
Gwen killed four of those men, and buried the last one alive. He was her older brother.
Gwen was ruthless in her dealings with men.
Gwen had gotten blood on her hands when she was only seventeen years old, and Gwen never regretted what she did to those men. Their screams comforted her, their tears gave her a certain kind of peace, their pleas gave her solace. She'd watched them beaten to a pulp and every minute of it, she enjoyed, reveling in it.
Gwen was the demon sent from hell for every man born of a woman.
Gwen was an assassin in training, and she took pleasure in killing, but again, especially men.
Gwen is now the sole heiress of a company worth billions of dollars. She's focused on growing her company even further, trampling on anyone who gets in her way.
Gwen killed her parents when she found out they knew the men that had raped her and they'd covered it up just so their good name would not be ruined.
Gwen did all of this before she turned twenty-one.
Gwen is poise, and Gwen is graceful.
Gwen is twenty four now, and Gwen's scars are yet to heal.
This is Gwen's story; Beautifully scarred.
Gwenevere Welch
Damian Vice
Daxton Vice
Barbara Vice
Sigurd Vice
Strong language as well as inappropriate contents will be used in this book. Some things may be offensive to both genders, so please keep in mind that this is strictly fiction. I apologize in advance for anything that may offend you. Thank you for reading.
Hi everyone. Welcome to Beautifully scarred. I'm Giamini. I hope you like it.