Chapter one

"Miss Welch, Damian Vice would like to have an audience with you. He says it's important?" Her assistant, Garry, shuttered in her presence. He wasn't sure he should be coming to her with this request, but this was Damian Vice. The man had enough power to end him. He feared him, more than he feared his ruthless and demeaning boss. Besides, his boss could be reasonable, sometimes, when she wasn't in her mood, but Vice, now that man knew only one emotion. Thinking about him made Garry tremble. The man was a beast. In stature and character.

Gwen continued to write, paying him no heed.

"Miss Welch?" He stepped closer to her, confused as to whether his words had fallen on deaf ears or not.


Damian Vice barged into the office, huffing in anger.

"How long does it fucking take to tell your boss that she has a guest?" He said smiling, but Garry was more scared now than he was before.

"I'm... I did... I... told..." Garry stammered in fear and confusion.

"It's okay Garry, you can leave us." Gwen finally raised her head, her photochromic glasses coming down her nose. She pushed it up with her finger, her teeth showing as she smiled brightly at Garry.

Garry skedaddled out of there so fast, he almost bumped into Damian Vice, who was standing very close to the door. He apologized, and disappeared.

"Miss Welch, still as nice and kind to everyone except me, I see?"

"Mister Vice," she said getting up, "still as cold to everyone, I see..."

Damian glared at Gwen but her smile remained, unshaken by his cold stares.

"I could do this all day, but unfortunately I actually have a company to run. What do you want?"

Her smile fell so fast it felt like a transfiguration of some sort. She took her seat, returning her eyes and mind back to her work.

Damian smirked. "I have a proposal you can't refuse." His hands fell on her table as he leaned in.

She raised her head, "haven't you learnt from the past at all? I'm not interested in any of your proposals. A thousand... no, a million years from now, and I still wouldn't be interested in anything you have to offer. I don't want to hear it, so please, get out."

"Oh trust me Gwenever, you'd want to hear this one." His smile fell.

"Don't make me call security."

"I have a better suggestion. Let's call the cops instead."

She looked at him quizzically. Damian had always been all talk and no balls. Most people didn't know this, but she knew him. He was a scared cat, living under his parents wealth and influence as a brutal Lion. Gwenevere saw through his facade and he hated it. He wanted her to fear him like the world feared him. He wanted to tame her, doing what no man had ever been able to do, and in the process make her his wife, and two years of trying had been futile leading to mostly disgrace. But not this time. He had something up his sleeve that would make him victorious once and for all.

"What's this nonsense, Damian? I've got work to do, something you clearly know nothing about. Get out. Don't allow security to drag you out of here... again."

"You know it all makes sense now. This hard exterior. I should have known your true self. I shouldn't have doubted the truth that was laid before my eyes."

"Stop talking nonsense and get the fuck out of my office." Gwen said menacingly.

"Why did you kill them? Why did you kill your parents?"

Gwen smiled, which confused Damian. He thought this was the moment where shock would register on her face as he told her this truth he'd just found out, but no, she was smiling, outwide. She wasn't moved, wasn't surprised, didn't even seem to care. He started doubting this information all over again.

"So what? You found out what I did? So? Where's the proof?"

Fuck!! Damian said in his mind. What was this vibe he was getting from her? All of a sudden she seemed even more dangerous than when he'd first heard the recorded conversation of her and her hired killer.

"You're not going to deny it?"

His countenance had changed. He wasn't as confident as he was seconds ago. The table had turned, giving her most of the power, and he couldn't comprehend how. He still held all the cards, but she looked unfazed while he trembled in fear. Gwen smelled his fear, her smile growing wide. She loved this game. She loved to see men so afraid of her, so shocked at her audacity, so defeated even before the game began. This was her game, this was how she loved to play it. He was confused and afraid and he showed it, that was his first mistake.

So what if he knew her secret? Of course it could ruin her, but she wasn't afraid of that. Nothing scared her. Not with everything she'd done in her life.

"Why should I deny the truth?"

"You think I'm bluffing? I have proof—evidence that you caused the accident that killed your parents."

"So what? Use it. Report me if you must. Honor your conscience."

She walked seductively out of her seat, resting her butt on her table in front of Damian who stood precariously, struggling to get back the confidence he'd walked into her office with.

"I know you want something, Damian Vice. Something you've always wanted. Isn't that why you didn't go to the cops with this?" She played with his button, biting her lower lips, her perfect dentition forever visible.

"You... you... you mean you'll... date me?"

"Of course." She squeezed. Then immediately started to smile again. "You have something that could ruin me after all. I'm not that stupid to ignore something like that, now am I?"

"Of course." His confidence was rebuilt. "Now I own you. You do whatever I say, or I'll destroy you."

"No please. I'll do whatever you say." She looked at him pleadingly.

He pressed his lips against hers, forcefully, biting lightly on her lower lips. She gave in, kissing him with as much intensity.

Believing he had the power and thinking he'd defeated her was his second mistake. She baited him and he fell, so fast, so hard. She was fucking Gwenevere Welch, conqueror of men, someone as boneless and spineless as Damian Vice could never hurt her. She'd met people that were more ruthless and heartless than herself and she'd defeated them no problem. He was like an ant compared to every single one of them and she'd show him just how worthless he was to her.

The Vice's might have more power and wealth than her, but Damian Vice was disposable, she knew that. His family only backed him because he was a Vice. They'd given up all hope that he was redeemable or useful to them. They had their second son, Daxton to depend on. Daxton was a model son. Disposing of Damian would be a service to the community and his family. She just needed to buy time to do it. And plenty of time she'd bought with this acting.

Damian would never see this coming. Not in a million years.