Gwenevere woke up to soft whispers. When she opened her eyes, she saw Barbara hovering over her. Barbara smiled, petting her head while she laid on the hospital bed unable to move or speak.
"You thought you could get away with it? You thought I wouldn't find out that you'd tried to kill him. What do you take me for, a fool? You can't take my son away from me. No one can until I say otherwise." Barbara said menacingly.
Gwen had never seen this side of her, and the mighty Gwen began to tremble. She whimpered, trying to scream but she couldn't open her mouth. Tears ran down the side of her face.
"You'll suffer for hurting my boy. This I swear to you."
Gwen woke up, sweating and panicking. She sat up, holding her head.
Her dream made her feel something she hadn't felt in years; fear. Slowly, she let everything simmer, and as soon as she had shaken every last bit of guilt and fear, she pushed herself to stand.
Barbara barged in.
Gwen skittishly landed on the bed on her ass, her eyes refusing to hide the fear and shock she felt despite her best efforts.
"Gwen..." Barbara cried, hugging her. "My poor baby. He's... he's..."
She waited impatiently to hear that he'd died but Barbara dawdled, annoying her. She was already fractious from having such a stupid nightmare, and as much as she tried to hide how guilty she felt, it was plainly written in her face.
She'd never felt guilty about anything she did before. Whether it was killing or ruining someone else's life. Not an ounce of guilt had stained her conscience, but for some unknown reason, she was having nightmares that scared the shit out of her. She couldn't wait to be done with this chapter. Damian should have been dead two days ago, but he'd stayed comatose, still fucking breathing. She had one consolation though. Barbara had come in looking angst. It had to be bad news, which was good news for her.
She couldn't wait for Barbara anymore, so she spoke up. Crying, she said, "is he dead? Please, God no!"
Tears ran down Barbara's red eyes. "He's not."
Gwen almost let her disappointment show. She was too experienced in this field to make such a mistake, but her blood boiled in rage. She would have to beat something or someone with a bat later.
"Thank God." She cried, hugging Barbara.
"No. He's... no..."
"What's wrong, Barbara?"
For fucks sakes, what the fuck is wrong. She said angrily in her mind. She couldn't take the suspense anymore. If he was dead, good riddance to bad rubbish if you asked her, and if he wasn't, then she needed to plan a way out of getting married to that insolent man. She rolled her eyes and groaned inaudibly when Barbara bent her head to the ground.
"I want to go see him, please take me to him."
She rushed out of the room in impatience, crying as she made her way through the VIP section in hospital corridors. When she got to the door of Damian's hospital room, she stood, preparing herself for what could be behind the door. She took deep breaths in and out, steadying her breathing. She placed her hand on the door handle, twisting it, she opened it, walking slowly inside.
When the room was fully in her view, her breathing calmed when she noticed that there was no one. It gave her time to relax her face and stop her acting. She was exasperated at this point. Fretting, she wished his empty bed was a sign that he had been taken to the morgue already. Or better still, cremated.
She finally smiled to herself when she felt it was safe to. The room was empty, and she was backing the door. If any one wanted to come in, she would know.
She froze when she heard the voice. It was strange, but very familiar. She turned slowly towards the voice, gasping with horror when she saw that Damian was okay and on his feet.
"Didn't die? Yeah. You didn't think you could kill me so easily now did you? I mean, you're good, I'll give you that, but c'mon, I'm a Vice. We're smarter than you give us credit for. We knew all along."
"What... how..."
"What are you asking? What gave you away? Or how I managed to survive when you saw blood all splattered?"
"You..." Gwen realized that she couldn't take any more steps backwards. She was glued to the spot she was standing. She looked around and the room had become empty of all its furnitures. Everything was gone. She panicked, fear gripping her. She was shaken to her core.
"Didn't they reach you to trust no man? Or rather, woman."
With wide eyes, Gwen watched Sally saunter into the room.
"You? How? Sally... you wouldn't?"
"How or why? Neither matters anymore." Sally smirked. "Your reign is over."
"No! Sally, why?"
"Because you deserved it. Because it's wrong to take a life. Because you're a monster and the world could be so much better if you're not in it."
Sally laughed and Damian joined her.
"No! No!! No!!!"
Gwen yelled. She sat up her bed and her eyes flung open.
"Fuck!" She yelled. "Stupid Sally had to put all of that inside my head. Fucking stupid dream."
A knock came at the door at that moment. She adjusted her emotions. In that split second, tears had gathered in her eyes. She waited to see who it was before she let them loose.
"Hi." Sally said, walking in.
Seeing that it was only sally, Gwen wiped her face.
Sally awkwardly walked towards her, their eyes looking everywhere except at each other.
"So?" Sally said, pausing.
"Look Sally, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said all of those things. It was very cruel of me."
"I'm sorry too. I keep letting my emotions do the thinking for me. I was wrong to judge you like that. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?"
Gwen smiled. "Yeah. Come here." She said, spreading her arms.
Sally took the invitation, tightly hugging Gwen. They stayed like that for a few seconds.
Relief washed over Gwen. She'd had a horrible dream about Sally betraying her, and this makeup had gone a long way to alleviate her mind and heart form having doubts about her loyalty.
Gwen had trust issues, but she believed, to an extent, she could trust her girls. And she did, except she didn't. She trusted no one. And who could blame her, the people who'd hurt her years ago were her own flesh and blood. They had not only ruined and betrayed her, but had also decided to sit back and do nothing after her life had been ruined.
Her parents chose their precious only son over her like she was disposable. He'd raped her with four of his friends and blamed it on a drunken mistake and they'd bought it, and protected him. She was disgusted that she ever loved them. She hated the times when she had love in her heart for them. How a parent could choose one child over the other was beyond her.
Though he was the man, she could take care of the company better than he ever could , but that didn't matter. They didn't care about that. All they cared about was gender and superiority. Because he had a dick between his legs he mattered more than her. He could make mistakes in the form of rape and still be favored.
She hated the world she lived in. So she vowed to create her own.