My death day

It was a normal sunny day at noon, as I laid on my bed staring at my ceiling thinking about how the rest of my day was going to be.

My name is Michael,I'm 19 years old. I live in a small town called koku. Both my parents died in an accident when I was 12 and I'm the only child. Since then I have been living alone in our house. I work at a factory as a driver I transport goods from my town to neighboring towns. This is how I've managed to survive for some time now. I don't really have any hobbies and I love magic I wish I could do magic. I stopped school at grade 8 junior high after my parents died.I wanted to become an engineer and do magical things with my engineering skills but the dream crashed after my parents died. My favorite color is blue and I love to eat.

I didn't go to work today because I wasn't feeling too well so I just laid here thinking about my day. Suddenly, I started feeling sleepy and soon I fell asleep.

I woke up and it was dark outside, I looked at my wall clock and it was 8 pm in the evening. I was already hungry so I walked up to my freezer to collect some food, then I heard a loud noise it was a gun shot sound then three men entered my room they were holding guns. Seeing this,I was shocked and couldn't move

"Get down", said one of the men

"And where is the money", said another man

I was still shocked and couldn't move

"Are you deaf", said the last man

I fell down and was shaking. You might be wondering why I am so scared and can't move, I'm the kind of guy that doesn't like to fight. I'm very weak. So, I distance myself from arguments and fights

I managed to speak and said " I don't have any money", and sincerely I was broke the only thing I have is the food in my freezer.

"Don't lie to us, we know u have alot of money with you, now bring it out before we shoot you", said one of the men.

"I swear I don't have any money with me", I replied.

"You liar, you are testing my patience now bring the money out", said one of the other men.

I have to run away from here because these guys are going to kill me if I don't.

I summoned a little courage and stood up, I tried running out but one of the men held me, he punched me and I fell on the ground

"I didn't want to kill you but you brought it upon yourself", he said

He pulled the trigger and I felt a very severe pain in my stomach.

"He shot me", I muttered to myself

Then I heard one of them say " I think this is the wrong house, and we definitely killed the wrong person".

"OK then let's go", the other man said.

They left me lying on the ground and I was bleeding

"Am I going to die like this", I said.

I tried to stand up, but the pain was too much. I just stared at my stomach and watched as blood gush out of it

"Am I just going to die like this, I haven't even eaten, I don't have any children,no family. All my dreams are gone", I said weakly to myself.

My vision started getting dark and blurry, then just when my eyes were almost shut I saw a blue light shining at my face then everything became black.

I think I'm dead.
