I got reincarnated

I opened my eyes and found my self in a strange place it was dark but I could see a bright light farther ahead

"Where am I ?, where is this place ?", I asked.

Then a loud voice said "You are in the dimensional gap".

"Dimensional gap? How did I get here ?" I asked

The voice completely ignored my question and said " You will be reincarnated into another earth in a different dimension, a different universe

"I don't und....."

Before I could finish my sentence, everywhere became white and then black again, then I passed out.


I woke up in a room it was painted blue, I was laying down on a bed. It was not too big. The room wasn't big too. There was a mirror at one end of my room. I walked there to see how I was. I saw that I was wearing a pyjamas, my face,height and every other thing looked the same as before only the room was different and I guess the world was too.

I took off my shirt to see if my stomach had any hole but there was neither a hole nor even a scar on it.

I looked through the window and saw that I was living at the top floor of a three story building the street outside was busy there were lots of people walking to and fro I guess I'm in a busy town.

The memories of the dark place and voice came back to me. I remember the voice said that I will be reincarnated into another earth in another universe. I guess this is the new earth.

"I died in my world because I was too foolish and weak. I will not die again", I said to myself

I looked at one side of the room and there was a freezer at another end there was a wardrobe. You might be wondering why I've remained calm about this new world, I hated my life before, and besides I just died, there is no way I can go back so I'll rather just enjoy my new life.

I walked close to it and opened it I saw some clothes in it and there were wrist watches too. I picked one up and checked the time it was '11:47 am'. I closed the wardrobe and saw two doors I opened one of them and saw that it was a bathroom, I walked to the other one and opened it, it leads to a hallway. And there was also a kitchen

I closed the door and went to the bathroom I took off my clothes and took my bath then I went to the wardrobe and wore my clothes.

Just when I was about to leave and take a tour around my new city, blue letters erupted in front of me

[ <===Status===>

Name: Michael Erics

Rank : D

Strength : D

Agility : D

Stamina : D

Mana capacity : D

--> System : [Dragon Emperor lvl.1]

"Hello Michael, I'm your system the dragon emperor, I can answer what ever you ask me", *smile* ]

At first I was confused and I was wondering if I was imagining it. I closed my eye and opened it but it didn't disappear. Then I thought there was something on my eyes but I walked to the mirror and I didn't see any reflection. Then the letters changed.

["I'm right inside of you. You are the only one that can see these letters" *smile*]

"What are you?", I said.

["I already told you before I'm your system"]

"What system, I don't even understand what is going on here"

[" Calm down, let me explain it to you.

You are currently inside a planet called earth. It is another earth where pure hearted people who die are reincarnated into. Only ten humans are reincarnated into this world every one hundred years.

In this earth you can still die. If you die you will finally go to your place of rest

It is a kind of second chance for people like you"].

"So how does that relate to a system and those other things?".

["Well your type of system determines the type of magic element you can use. As a dragon emperor you can use only lightning and fire"]

"Is there any other thing you can tell me about this new world?", I said.

["Well, it has been in existence for more than 500 thousand years, so it has also advanced. It has a government running it. They consist of the four strongest beings in this planet. And they are responsible for the control and management of the world's economy.

They also pay every person in this planet. As soon as you arrived in this planet your name was added to its citizen's list.

So you will be payed 50,000 hex today."]

"What is hex?, I asked.

["Hex is the currency that is used in this world. And it is used magically. All you need to do is to go to any store collect what you want, then you put your fingers on a magic paper. It altomatically deduct the money from you. You can also work anywhere to earn money, like in the military".]

"There is still a lot I want to know but I will save the questions for later. I want to take a tour around the city first", I said to my system.