First day of school

I woke up by '5:32 am' the next day, because I will be enrolling in the federal magic academy, and I hope to become a great mage. After that discussion with my system last night, I want to start upgrading everything in my status list, so that I can become strong, and be able to defend myself when needed.

I went straight to my bathroom room, took my bath and came out to wear my clothes. I wanted to know where the school was located so I tried calling my system I mentioned 'dragon emperor', then blue letters appeared.

["Hello master, how was your night?"]

"It was great. Where is the federal magic academy located, I wanted to enroll today since you said it was free"

["It is located in Sota, the capital city of Assetics"]

"Is it far from here"

["No its not. You are currently living in Sota, as for the academy, its just a 30 minutes drive from your house"]

"Ok, but how did you know all about this world?"

["I am the legendary blue dragon. Each system has been in existence since the day this planet was created. And we are updated by the four greatest beings in the world. When anyone becomes the greatest being in his/her country, they become one of the four guardians of the world and have the power over systems. They are the ones who update us with all the information we need"]


I was starting to wonder if I was already late, but I discovered that the time I spend talking to my system, is much more fast than normal.

"Let's go"


I left the house and went to the train station, since going by train is the fastest way to get to the academy.

The academy was a large five story building in a large compound and it was painted navy blue. On my way in, I saw a guy, he was tall, light skinned and had a brown hair, he was a little bit lanky with round brown eyes. He also had a pointed nose and was wearing the academy's uniform. It consist of a black pair of trousers,a white inner shirt and a black botton - down jacket.

I walked up to him and said


"Hi" he replied

"Please, where is the principals?", I asked

"You must be a new student, come with me, I will take you there". He said

"OK thanks".

I climbed the stairs from the first floor to the fifth floor with him without uttering a single word. We finally got to the fifth floor and we walked through a hallway, and then we stopped at the front of a door he knocked and a voice from behind asked

"Who is there?"

He opened the door and then I entered, then he left. I guess he was going to his class.

I entered the principal's office. It was painted blue - grey and there was a large table at the middle of the office, the principal was sitting right behind it.

The principal Was a chubby man. Light skinned and was bald. He also wore a brown suit.

"How may I help you?", He said

"Good morning sir, my name is 'Michael Erics' I want to enroll in this school", I replied.

"OK fill this form",He said.

He then passed me a paper and gave me a pen to fill it.

I filled it and I passed it back to it to him

He passed another empty paper to me and told me to place my thumb on it

I did as I was told to. And immediately I placed my thumb on the paper, letters appeared on it


Name: Michael Erics

Rank : D

Strength : D

Agility : D

Stamina : D

Mana capacity : D

--> System : [Dragon Emperor lvl.1].

It was exactly the same thing my system showed me. The principal took the paper and grinned at me. He then took me to class 1A, my new class. It was located in the third floor and it was the first class.

As we walked in, all the students stood up and they greeted him. The classroom was big with about fifty students in it. It was painted pale - blue and there were four windows with two entrances. We entered through the front door.

"Class, we have a new student. He said

They all looked at me

"Would you mind introducing yourself?", He then said to me.

"My name is Michael Erics"

"OK. Now go to the free seat at the back of the class", He said.

I nodded and went to the last seat at the back of the class, then the principal left.

Behind me was the boy who took me to the principal's office

"Hey", He said to me.

"Hi", I replied.

"I'm Ryan Leo", He said

"And I'm Michael Erics" I said to him.

"Hey, new boy.I'm Kate Alexander, nice to meet you", an unknown female voice said from behind me. I turned to see who it was.

She was a slender, average height, light skinned, with blonde hair. She had pointed nose and round blue eyes. She also had a sword with her.

"Hi, nice to meet you too", I replied.

"Hey Ryan, how is your morning going", she said

"Its going well", He replied.

A female figure entered shortly after, she was curvy and had black eyes. Average height and dark skinned.

"Good morning students", She said.

"Good morning Ma", The whole class answered

"Who is she", I asked Ryan.

"She is our class teacher", He replied.

The teacher talked about some basis of magic and told us to go to the library and read some books.

I went to the library with Ryan and Kate.when we got there they asked me about my system

"Hey Michael, what kind of system do you have", Kate asked.

"Hmmmm, its the 'dragon emperor'.",

"Dragon emperor!", she said with a perplexed look

"Yes, is there a problem with it?", I asked.

"No, but the dragon emperor is a legendary system", She answered.

"I know", I replied.

"Well as for me, I have The kakara sword", She said.

"And I have The shield master", Ryan said.

"I guess we are all friends now right?", she asked

"Yes we are", I replied.
