First Day of school [2]

I collected some books from the library to read when I get home. On my way home I stopped at a shopping mall, to buy some things I needed at home. The mall was very big and had two floors.

It was painted green and red outside and was painted milk inside. I bought all I needed for the whole month and went to the counter to pay for it. It cost around 25,000 hex.

I got home and offloaded the food stuffs in my freezer. The rest thing I bought were kept in a cupboard.

I took off my clothes and went straight to the bathroom to take my bath. After taking my bath I wore my clothes and took some chocolates from the freezer, then I took the book I collected from the library and started to read.

According to the book, Magic is the power of apparently influencing or controlling events or things by using mana. And to perform magic, you have to channel the mana inside you body out to react with the mana in the atmosphere, then imagine what you want to create and it will happen. Since I can only use fire and lightning, I decided to learn how to create a fireball. I tried channeling the mana in my body out, then trying to imagine a fireball but nothing happened. I spent hours there and still couldn't create a spark of fire or even smoke. I then summoned the dragon emperor. Just by thinking of it, it came. Blue letters appeared before me.

["You summoned me master"]

"Yeah, I did. I want to create a fireball but nothing is happening. I did exactly as this spell book told me but I still can't create anything. Can you help me?".

["I can't"]


["Because I'm still at level one. You need to upgrade me first."]

"How do I upgrade you?".

["The more experience you gain the more I upgrade. Do you know how to control mana?"]

"No I don't. I just started learning magic today how should I know how to control mana."

["At the federal magic academy, they will teach you how to control mana. The more mana you are able to control, the higher the success rate of your spells. Like if you can barely control twenty percent of your mana your spells will be weak, if you can control fifty percent, your spell will be good. But if you can control ninety percent or more you spells will be excellent."]

"OK, I will ask my friends to teach me tomorrow."

["Friends?, its your first day of school and yet you already have friends, you are really friendly"]

"One of them was a guy I met this morning. He was the first student I talked to and he took me to the principal's office. The other is a girl, his friend."

["OK so tell me, how did today go?, how was your first day of school?"]

"I thought you are inside my body, aren't you supposed to see what I see?."

["Well I'm supposed to, but I was busy and I couldn't see anything"]

"What were you doing?. Anyways, never mind.

I got there very early in the morning. The school is very big its a five story building, painted navy blue."

["I know. I told you to tell me what happened, I didn't ask you to describe the school building."]

"OK. On my way in I saw a guy. He was the one who took me to the principal's office. After I Finished filling some forms the principal took me my class. Then I also met another girl they are the ones I was talking about earlier.

After the class we went to the school library and that was where I got that spell book.

Well its late, its 7 pm already I have to go to bed. I need to wake up early tomorrow. Bye"

["OK bye"]