International magic competition

I got up early again, then remembered that I didn't eat before going to bed yesterday. So I quickly went to the bathroom, took my bath then came out, and wore my clothes. Then I went to the kitchen to prepare ramen. When I finished preparing the ramen, I ate and then went to school.

I got to school and saw a large crowd gathering at one end of the school's compound.

I went close and saw Ryan . I walked to him and said

"Hey Ryan, Good morning."

"Hello Michael",He replied

"Why are all these people gathering here?", I asked curiously.

"Its the International magic competition, it is starting by August, four months from now." He replied.

"What is the international magic competition?" I asked

"Its a competition held every four years. All the students from sota magic academy, and the other magic academies in the other three countries compete for a price. Well the main purpose of the competition isn't just for the grand price its also a way to know the best students. Usually, Elves, Vampires or Demi - humans are always the winners of the competition and the only humans who manage to get to the quarter finals are the third years'. We first year students don't even stand a chance."

"Will you participate?" I asked.

"Yes, what about you?" He asked

"I think I will, but I don't really know a lot of magic spells. I can't even create a fireball. I said.

"The teachers will eventually train us before the competition." He said.

"Ok. Have you seen kate?"

"No. Kate usually comes late to school, so maybe she over slept again"

"Hello guys, what are you two saying"

A voice said from behind us

"Hello kate, how are you today" Ryan said.

"I'm fine" She replied.

"Good morning kate" I said.

"Good morning to you too Michael. It seems to me like everyone is excited about the magic competition, well I am too." She said

We all went to the class and sat at our seats, then our class teacher entered.

"Good morning class"

"Good morning ma."

"Today we will be learning some basic magic spells, but before we begin I will like to explain more about the upcoming magic competition. As you all know its a competition held in either of the four countries of the world. And this year it will be held in our own country Assetics. Normally the participants from the other countries are supposed to come a week before the competition begins, but a little change has been made. The other students and their teachers will be coming here this week and they will be training in our school.

The grand price has also increased from 150,000 hex to 350,000 hex. And also the princesses of the Elves, Vampires and Demi - humans will be participating in this year's competition.

In this competition, you will be grouped into a team of three, pick you team members and then submit your names to me.

Other informations will be passed to you all before the competition begins."

"Hey Ryan will you join me?" I asked

"Yea bro, I will" He replied.

"So who should be the third person" I asked.

"How about we ask Kate to join us"

"That will be great" I replied.

"For today's teaching, we will be making use of the school's main training ground. So you all should submit your names to me after the class. Now follow me." Our teacher said.

We all followed our teacher and went to the training ground on our way there we asked Kate if she could join our team.

"Kate can you our team?" Ryan asked.

"I would love to but I'm want to join Aurora's team." She replied.

"OK, so who do we add now?" I asked Ryan.

"We'll figure that out after the class" He replied

"And who is Aurora?" I asked

"She is Kate's cousin" she answered.

We walked to the training ground then the teacher brought out a spell book

"This is a magical spell book. It contains a lot of magic spells depending on the kind of system you have and the magic elements you can control. It contains both attacks and defense spells." She said.

She brought out some blank white papers, just like the one the principal gave me. She passed them to us. And then told us to place our thumb on it. I did as instructed then some letters appeared on it.


Name: Michael Erics

Rank : D

Strength : D

Agility : D

Stamina : D

Mana capacity : D

--> System : [Dragon Emperor lvl.1].

I looked at Ryan's paper


Name: Ryan Leo

Rank : D

Strength : D

Agility : D

Stamina : D

Mana capacity : D

--> System : [Shield Master lvl.1].

"So we are both 'D' ranked." I said to Ryan.

"Pass all the papers back." Our teacher said.

We returned the papers back to her. She looked at them and dropped them in her hand bag.