International magic competition [2]

She then took the magic spell book and told us to try and create a fireball, lightning blade,earth shield,wind blast or water blade

She then asked

"Do you all know the elements you can control?"

Everyone replied "Yes ma'am"

"The spells I listed are the basic spells of each element. So try and produce the ones your system can control." She continued

A voice from behind said

"How do we produce it ma'am"

"To perform any magic spell you should first know how to control mana. Then visualize what you want to create in your mind."

This is the same thing I saw in the spell book I took home yesterday, even after trying it I still couldn't create anything.

"Excuse me ma, how do we control mana." I asked.

She explained the process to me, but I still didn't understand it.

We continued with the class and no one, not even me could perform any magic spell.

"I think I know the reason why you can't do it."

"Why ma'am" A girl said.

"Its simply because you all are first years, you have no experience and this might even be your first time. Well if you really want to participate in the international magic competition, you will have to practice everyday so that you can master your spells. And don't forget, the princesses will be participating too, so you better buckle up."

"Yes ma'am" the class replied.

"I also want to teach you all a little about the nature of systems. Alot of you think that every single person in this planet can use at least two elements right?"

We all nodded in agreement

"Well you are all wrong. There are lots of people who can only use one magical element. If you can use two or more then you are lucky. But I don't think any of you can use more than two for now. Considering your levels."

A guy from behind shouted

"Ma'am you have to see this, he just created a fireball."

We all turned around and saw a small fireball. Our teacher was amazed and said he was the best in the class. She also told us to work hard and try to be like him.

"Hey, Ryan who is that guy?" I asked

"He is Jacob Oscar the son of a senator. His family is very rich." He answered.

"Oh! I see, well maybe his father must taught him a lot about magic."

At the end of the class Kate came to us with a sad face.

"What's the problem Kate?" Ryan asked.

"Aurora's team is already complete and I don't have a team to join now" she replied.

"Well you can still join us. After all, our team isn't complete yet." I said.

"OK" she replied

We all submitted our names to our class teacher.

On our way to the class we saw Jacob Oscar and two of his male friends.

"Hey scumbags" He said.

"Don't talk to him." Ryan said.

"That's not how to talk to an elder, its so rude" He said with a grin

"What do you want from us Jacob?" Kate said

"Hello whore, how are you doing today" He said to Kate.

"You asshole what did you just call me" Kate said angrily.

"Did u just insult me, you bitch" he said furiously.

"Jacob, stop fooling around and just tell us what you want. Or do u derive joy in being a douchebag" I said calmly

"So you are the new student, I will keep my mouth shut if I were you" he said.

"Kate, Ryan let's go" I said.

"Get back here you morons, I will make you pay for humiliating me new student" he shouted furiously.

We completely ignored him and went to our class.

"Thank you Michael for standing up for us back there" Kate said.

"It was nothing, I can't just stand and watch that idiot insult my friends." I said

"Thanks bro" Ryan said.

The rest of the day went smoothly and Jacob kept staring at me till I left school.

On my way home I noticed a black car following me after some minutes of tailing me they finally speed up and parked in front of me.

Then Jacob and five other men came out. Each of them held a baseball bat.

"I told you I will make you pay for humiliating me, new student." He said with a broad smile on his face.

Two of the men came to me and held me hand they dragged me to him and he first landed a punch on my face.

"Don't worry I won't use any kind of magic on you I just want to torture you." He said with that same weird broad smile.

He gave me some more punches and then stopped

"He's all yours now do what ever you want with him but don't let him die. I want him to go and tell his friend not to ever mess with me." He said to the men.

They all laughed and then the men walked to me and started hitting me with the baseball bat. At first, I tried enduring the pain but they continued hitting me with the baseball bat and didn't stop. The pain was too much I couldn't bear it anymore.

"I wish I had magical powers. I wish I could at least create a fireball, if the so called dragon emperor wasn't so useless I would have had powers. I wish I cou...."

I then passed out.