My system upgrade

When I woke up, and saw myself on a bed.

"Where am I?" I asked obnoxiously.

"Oh!, you are finally awake." An unknown female voice said.

"Where am I?" I asked again

"You are in a hospital." The voice answered.

"How did I get here"

"An old man brought you here he said he saw you laying on the ground by the roadside and you were covered in blood." She answered.

"For how long?"

"You've been asleep for three days."

"Who are you?"

"I'm a doctor"



I was allowed to go home that same day in the evening. When I got home, I was so tired and hungry. I quickly went to the cafeteria beside my house. I bought some food and then went back home. I ate my food and laid on my bed. Memories of that day came back to me.

"I was so weak I couldn't defend my self." I said sadly.

I called my system and then blue letters appeared

["Hello master

Its been a long time. How have you been"]

"You useless thing.

Why didn't you help me when I needed you" I said scornfully

["You didn't call me and besides I'm still too weak to help you with anything"]

"Is it because of my level?"


"Is there any way I can upgrade it?"

["You can train"]

"How do I train if I don't know how to cast any magic spell"

["Well there is a way to upgrade your system level"]


["Its by eating the limitless seed."]

"What is this limitless seed."

["The limitless seed is a golden coloured seed. it is found in a peach fruit. The peach fruit is on a divine tree. A divine tree is a tree that was planted by god. He created it for the pure and innocent but no one has been able to get it. Only the four greatest being in the world are aware of it and non of them have been able to get it because they are not pure in heart."]

"Are you really sure I can get this limitless seed?"


"OK. But what is the major function of this limitless seed?"

["It breaks the limit of your status. The status ranks are

Lvl 1 - 15 ==> D rank.

Lvl 16 - 40 ==> C rank.

Lvl 41 - 70 ==> B rank.

Lvl 71 - 120 ==> A rank.

Lvl 121 - 200 ==> S rank.

Lvl 201 - 310 ==> SS rank.

Lvl 310 and above ==> SSS rank.

The highest anyone has gotten to is the SS rank and it was the king of the Elves

The highest Humans have ever reached is the S rank.

And you are currently in the D rank. If you take the limitless seed, your rank will be boosted. And the more you practice, the more your rank increase."]

"Ok. So where is this divine tree located?"

["It is located in the lotopic moon mountain. it is a mountain located in Britanni. A city located in the northern end of the country. The lotopic moon mountain serves as a boundary between Galatz and Assetics. And the quickest way to get there is by train."]


I walked to the train station closest to my house, bought a ticket, entered and the train going to Britanni. It was a two days journey and I only ate snack on the way. As soon as I got to Britanni, I look for a restaurant first.

Britanni is a fine and small city. Its culture and way of life is like that of japan. I was starting to wonder if japan existed here.

["It isn't japan they only have similar way of life"]

"I know"

My system, showed me the way to the mountain. It wasn't too far from the train station, so I just walked there.

When I got there, I saw two big mountains joined together at the bottom

["The tree is on top of the mountain, so you will have to climb to the top to get it"]


I started climbing the mountain, it was hard and hot due to the sun. I still had some snacks and water in my backpack so I stopped to eat.


I've been climbing for about five hours and I still haven't gotten to the top and besides I don't really think its at the top because I can see the top of the mountain from here but I can't see any tree.

I continued climbing for about two more hours and I was already close to the top of the mountain and then I saw a cave it was really dark inside.


"Why?, its already late and I should be looking for the Divine tree not resting in a cave."

["First of all, its late and you should be looking for a place to rest. And besides this is where the Divine tree is located"]

"I thought you said it was at the top"

["But this is the top"]

"No its not"

["OK just continue walking, go in"]

I opened my backpack and brought out a torch light I bought at the train station. I switched it on and walked in. I walked through what looked like a hallway and found myself in a large open space. And there was a large tree at the middle. It was glowing and had only one fruit on it. It was a peach.

"Is that it?"

["Yes. It is the Divine tree and the limitless seed is inside that peach."]

There was something around the tree. It looked like a barrier protecting it and it was bluish purple in color.

"What is that?"

["Its a magical barrier that is protecting the Divine tree from people who wish to steal it and use the power for their own selfish desires."]

"How will it know?"

["The barrier searches the mind of anyone who comes close to it."]

"OK. But, I wonder why there is nobody guarding the tree"

I walked to the tree slowly and touched the barrier it slowly disappeared and then I plucked the peach fruit and slowly walked away from the tree. The glowing started to fade away. I sat down at one end of the open space, and then I started eating the peach fruit. Inside, it was sweet, juicy and tart in taste with a mellow aroma.

When I finished eating the peach fruit, I saw a seed, it had a golden color and was equivalent to a grain of Asian rice in size. Normally, the seed of a peach fruit is usually big, but this one is small.

I went ahead and swallowed the seed and then waited for it to start having effect. I waited for five minutes but I felt nothing.

"Are you sure this thing would work? I guess I wasn't pure in heart." I said dejectedly.

["What are you saying, if you weren't pure in heart, the barrier wouldn't have allow you touch it"]

"So why is there no change in me?"

["I don't know. Like I said before, no one has ever taken the limitless seed before. So no one knows how it works."]

"OK. I guess I should be a little bit patient"

It was already '7:21 PM' and it was dark

"There is no way I can go home today, I guess I'll pass the night here."

I waited for another ten minutes then suddenly, I started feeling hot it was as if I was on fire. I started feeling confident and fearless. Slowly, the heat increased. I began to scream since the heat was increasing every second and was causing me pain. I screamed until I became unconscious.


I opened my eyes and found myself in a dark strange place. It was similar to the place I saw my self before I got reincarnated into this world. But this time, I was walking towards the light and suddenly a large creature appeared in front of me. It was a blue dragon.

["Hello Michael"]

"How do you know my name?" I said with a puzzled look on my face.

["I'm the blue dragon emperor. And I'm inside your body."]

"So you are my system"


"How did I get here?"

["You have eaten the limitless seed and the peach fruit from the Divine tree and this has given you the ability to unlock your true powers."]

"OK. So wh...."

Before I could finish my statement, the dragon emperor disappeared. Then a chain held together by Five huge padlocks immediately appeared on my body it held me tightly and I couldn't move. Then a key appeared and opened one of the padlocks.

Then the pain I felt before falling asleep came back again but this time it was much worst I screamed from my sleep and woke up. It was a dream. I checked my wristwatch and the time was '7:48 AM'.

Then blue letters appeared in front of me.


Name: Michael Erics

Rank : A

Strength : A

Agility : A

Stamina : A

Mana capacity : A

Skills : Magic sacred gear [lvl.1], Magic reflection, System read, Mind read

--> System : [Dragon Emperor lvl.71]

Master this is your current status"]

"The 'skill' is new, what is it used for?

["The skill is used for attacks and defense. You will have to practice a lot with the dragon transformation and the other skills for you to use them properly"]

"Wow, this is amazing. The limitless seed is very powerful."

["The limitless seed, increased your mana capacity by increasing the amount of mana you can control. And also added the skill. While the peach fruit increased every other thing in your status list."]

"Were you the one I saw in my dream last night?"

["Yes I was"]

"Can you explain what the dream was all about?"


The chains you saw was the limit that helps seal your full powers. The padlocks are the levels. The first padlock is your dragon transformation level one the other is your dragon transformation level two. The limitless less seed and the peach fruit help remove the seal that stops you from reaching the keys. Now, the more you get used to magic spells, the higher your status. When you perfect a lot of magic spells, you can easily gain access to the other keys. The more keys you get, the more your power increase."]

"OK. I guess I should be going back home now."

I picked up my backpack and walked out of the cave.

Climbing down was easy, I only had to be careful not to fall down. I was down in less than two hours. I then walked to the train station, bought a ticket and boarded a train that was going back to Sota.