My system upgrade [2]

I got to sota and walked home. When I got home, I quickly went to the bathroom to take my bath. When I was done, I wore my clothes and went to my kitchen cooked some food and ate then I went to my bed and laid down.

"It has been almost a week since that incident, I think I can protect myself now. Can we start our training now?"


First, I took the magic spell book I collected from the school library and tried to create a fireball. I first tried to control mana and channel it to my right hand. And it was as if I was really doing it. Unlike before when I couldn't do it. I then started visualizing it and sparkles started to form in my hand. Then, a fireball emerged in my hand it was orange colored. At first it was small like an orange but as I sustained it, it grew and got bigger then I stopped it. I was so happy and my heart was filled with joy because I finally created a fireball. Then blue letters appeared in front of me


Name: Michael Erics

Rank : A

Strength : A

Agility : A

Stamina : A

Mana capacity : A

Skills : Magic sacred gear [lvl.1], Magic reflection, System read, Mind read,Magic collection

Spells : Fireball

--> System : [Dragon Emperor lvl.71]

I read it and noticed that a new skill has been added

"What is that new skill used for?"

["It is called the magic collection skill it gives you the ability to be able to learn any magic spell regardless of the magical element"]

"You mean I can use all the magical elements now?"


"But you told me that I can only use two elements"

["Yes I did. Since you took the limitless seed, you have broken the limit of your system, therefore enabling you to be able to use all the five magical elements"]

"Wow this is great

So can you explain what the other skills are used for?, and what the spell is?"

["The Magic sacred gear is a special skill that boosts your magical and physical attacks. At your current level you can only transform your right arm. When you get to level 2, you can transform your whole body. When you get to level 3, you will have wings and you will transform into a bigger version of the blue dragon emperor. The higher the level the stronger your power.

The magic reflection skill is a type of skill that allow your to repel any magic attack. It can serve as your shield.

The system read is a type of skill that allows you to read another person's system and know their level and rank.

While the mind read allows you to read a person's mind and know their thoughts.

As for the spells section, it shows the spells that you have mastered"]

"Wow these are all great skills and they are very useful. I guess I should continue my training. I open a page and without any practice i could perform the spell I guess this is the use of magic collection skill. I didn't even bother to read any of the pages i just flipped through them and I could already perform them. Then blue letters appeared


Name: Michael Erics

Rank : A

Strength : A

Agility : A

Stamina : A

Mana capacity : A

Skills : Magic sacred gear [lvl.1], Magic reflection, System read, Mind read, Magic collection, Teleportation, Quick step, High jump

Spells : Fireball, Mud trap, Earth shield, Lightning blade, Water ball, Water dragon, Fire dragon, Wind blade, Wind blast, Water blade

--> System : [Dragon Emperor lvl.75]

"So I have the teleportation skill now. Hmm, how does it work?"

["It gives you the ability to teleport to a place, only if you have gone there before"]

"That's great.

So those are all the spells I have but I haven't even tried them"

["It becomes easier when you try it because of the magic collection skill."]

"OK let's go out of this room. We should go somewhere wide like an open space."

["OK, so where do you have in mind?"]

"We can go to to the Lotopic moon mountain in Britanni. But I don't know how to use the teleportation skill yet."

["Its easy to use. Its just like the other spells you have used. First, you visualize a teleportation portal, then you create an image of where you want to go. While visualizing, you will channel mana our of your body and let it react with mana outside."]


I closed my eyes and started to imagine a portal opening and creating an image of Lotopic moon mountain i also channeled mana out of my body to react with the ones outside. When I opened my eyes I saw a portal it was like a mirror. I entered and saw myself in an open field close to the Lotopic moon mountain

"That was amazing the teleportation skill is really cool, and it wasn't hard at all."

I then closed the portal by stopping the visualization and stopping the free flow of mana out of my body.

["Now that we've arrived here let's start our training. First we will start with a fireball this time you will use it so we can see how effective it is."]

First I channeled mana out of my body then I visualized a fireball and it emerged this time it grew faster and in a split second it was big. I then threw it at a tree and and instantly the tree started to burn.

["Now use the water dragon"]


Instantly I created the water dragon. At first, a large amount of water was formed and then it took the shape of a dragon and I directed it towards the tree and it engulfed the fire.

["OK now create the water blade. It is created with the tip of your finger."]


I created the water blade and directed it towards another tree it pierced a hole through the tree and came out from the other side

["The water blade is a very powerful technique its as sharp as a katana It can cut through almost everything on this planet. But the only disadvantage is that its only a short range attack spell, the farther the spell caster the weaker the effect"]


I then created a water ball and poured it on a tree.

["The water ball is used to slow an enemy down since it doesn't have much effect."]

The fire dragon is just like the water dragon the only difference is that you will have to create a fire and not water.

I then created the lightning blade, earth shield, mud trap,wind blast and wind blade.

["The lightning blade is as sharp as a water blade but it has a range of about 15 meters when used alone. But when used with water, it doesn't have any limited range. It can be used in different ways like used with water alone, wind alone or with both water and wind.

The earth shield can be used as a shield for protection against weak magic spells.

The mud trap can be used to trap or hold an enemy.

Wind blast is similar to a tornado blast it blows a weak opponent away and can also serve as a distraction.

The wind blade is also like a katana its like the water blade the farther the caster the weaker the spell.

You can now use more than one element of magic. Normally, a first year student cannot use more than one element even a third year student cannot use more than one at a time. The limitless seed has given you the ability to be able to use three different elements at the same time.


Name: Michael Erics

Rank : A

Strength : A

Agility : A

Stamina : A

Mana capacity : A

Skills : Magic sacred gear [lvl.1], Magic reflection, System read, Mind read, Magic collection, Teleportation, Quick step, High jump

Spells : Fireball, Mud trap, Earth shield, Lightning blade, Water ball, Water dragon, Fire dragon, Wind blade, Wind blast, Water blade, Electric water dragon, Electric water blade, Hot mud ball, Electric water ball

--> System : [Dragon Emperor lvl.82]

"Amazing I have new spells now and I've reached level 82, this is truly amazing.

"Let me try the Electric water dragon first."

I first visualized the water to take the shape of a dragon then I added lightning and then controlled it with wind. I directed it towards a tree and then I used quick step to instantly move to the front of the tree then I used magic reflection skill to repel it and instantly the water dragon turned to the opposite direction and hit the ground.

I then tried the electric water blade it tore through a tree and continued to destroy more trees then I stopped it.

The hot mud ball is a combination of earth, water and fire magic. It also destroyed a tree.

The electric water ball is a combination of water, wind and lightning magic. It is far stronger than the normal water ball.