My system upgrade [3]

["Try using the magic sacred gear"]

"How do I use it?"

["Its easy, first control mana and let them come out through your arm, from around you elbow to the tip of your fingers then, activate the magic sacred gear."]


I did as I was told and then something appeared on my right hand. It was color blue. It covered from my elbow down to my finger tips. It was like a magic gear and its had scales. There was a green gem stone on it. I think that is a magic stone. I could feel an incredible increase in my power.

"This is just like a magic wand, it amplifies my power" I mumbled.

["This is your magic sacred gear it boost your magic abilities but it uses a lot of mana so you have to be careful and make sure you use it only when it is really necessary. It serves as a protector for your body and it can defend you against both magical and physical attacks, but it can also be destroyed when it takes too much damage."]

"Its really amazing to have such powers"

["I guess it is. The limitless seed has boosted your powers. Normally, before anyone can use their magic sacred gear, they have to go through a lot of training, most of them have to sign contracts with the spirit of that sacred gear"]

"How would they sign the contract?"

["They travel far away to a sacred place I can't really tell you where it is"]


["To get to the point you are now, people go through a lot of training so carefully use your powers


["And I have an advice for you"]

"What is it"

["Don't use your magic reflection skill and your teleportation skill in front of people and don't cast spell that involves the use of more than two elements in the international magic competition"]


["The only reason why you can use all the elements of magic is because you ate the limitless seed. Normally, only a few people can use two elements, while the others can only use one. The four greatest beings of this planet can use three elements each. This is because they trained intensively."]

"So, how does that affect me"

["I don't think anyone knows that you have taken the limitless seed. If they find out, many nations would be interested in you and this can lead to war. And also you will have a lot of enemies. For example, the king of kataz wants to have the limitless seed. He intends to boost his nation's political power with it. but the barrier didn't allow him. So, if he finds out that you have it, he might want to kill you or he might want you to be among his army. So that he could use the power to his advantage."]

"Oh!, I get it now."

["One last thing, the limitless seed only work for people who are pure in heart. So, if you do evil things with the power, all the powers will be sealed away completely and you won't be able to cast any magic spell."]

"Well, I wasn't going to use it for any evil thing. All I want is to be able to protect myself and my friends."

["That's great"]

"I think I should be going home now, the time is '4:32 PM' already."

As I was about to teleport myself home, I heard a voice from behind me

"That was amazing"

I turned and saw a female elve. She was average height. She had blonde hair, light skin, and beautiful too.

"Uhn, you said?" I asked.

"I said that was amazing. I saw you practice magic and you were good. But you used all the elements of magic, no one can use all of them, so how did you do it?"

"Hmm, I....."

["Don't reply her, look for a way to escape"]


["Nothing, or do you have something to tell her?"]

"No, I don't. But how do I escape?"

["First run away from here run very fast you can use quick step if you want. Then use teleportation when you are sure that she can't see you"]


Then I heard her voice

"Hello, why aren't you talking?" She asked.

"Hmm.... I have to go now, bye. I said as I ran away, then I used quick step to run very fast and when I was far away I quickly used my teleportation skill to teleport to my room. I then closed the portal and laid on my bed, breathing heavily.

I got up and went to my bathroom to take my bath. When I was done, I came out of the bathroom and wore my clothes. Then I went to the kitchen and made lunch. After I finished with my food, I laid on my bed thinking about how my system has upgraded.

"Some days ago I couldn't even cast any magic spell but now I can use all five elements
