My new magical abilities

"Its been a long time since I saw Ryan and Kate. I haven't even gone to school since I was beaten by Jacob Oscar."

["You should go back to school you have already learned alot of magic spells. And besides, I can teach you everything the teacher has taught them"]


According to my system, the teacher has taught them only a few things. So it was easy for me to learn them.

"How did you know what the teacher has been teaching?"

["I went through the school's database and found them."]



The next morning, I woke up early then I went to the bathroom to take my bath. When I finished I wore my clothes and went to the kitchen. I prepared rice porridge and ate. When I was done I left my house and went to school.

When I arrived at school I saw Kate and Ryan along with some other students they were all outside in the school compound. I also saw some strange persons. On my way in Ryan saw me and told Kate, they both ran to me.

"Michael where have you been?" They said

"I was b....."

"We didn't have your cell phone number so we couldn't contact you" Ryan said

"Are there cell phones here in this world?" I asked

"Of course there are " Kate answered

"Jacob told us that you weren't coming back, he said that he taught you a lesson and you would never come come back" Ryan said

"That jerk" I said angrily

"We should go in now" Kate said

"Why are there a lot of people outside?" I asked

"Today is the last day of training, the mock duel will be starting tomorrow." Ryan said

"But you said the competition will be starting in four months" I said

"Well, the date has been adjusted. It will begin tomorrow and end in a month time. That is why the mock duels are starting tomorrow"

"OK. Who are all these people?" I asked

"These are the students from the other magic academies. The Elves, Vampires and Demi - humans." Kate replied

"OK and what is that huge building there? It wasn't there before" I said pointing at a huge building at one end of the school compound.

"Its a magical building. It was created by the First daughter of the king of the Demi - humans. That's were the mock duels and the main tournament will be held. It contains a magical barrier that suppresses magical attacks. It also reduces the impact of physical attacks."Kate said

"The principal asked all the new students to come collect their uniforms today. You better go" said Kate

"OK" I answered

I went straight to the principal's office to collect my uniform. I collected it wore it and left the office. On my way back, I called my system


["Hello master"]

"Why didn't you tell me that cell phones exist here?"

["Well, you didn't ask me"]

"Do I have to ask you first before you tell me"

["Yes master"]

"You are so useless"

I walked to Ryan and Kate

"Hey guys, how does the uniform look" I asked

"Its OK" They replied

"So what have you been taught?"

"Just a few things but at least we can cast basic magic spells." Ryan said

"So where is the teacher?" I asked

"I don't know"he replied

Moments later, the teacher came and she started our lesson for today

"Today, I won't teach you any new magic spell. We are all going to perform all the spells that we have been taught and any other spells we have learned outside school.

["Master you have unlocked a new skill


Name: Michael Erics

Rank : A

Strength : A

Agility : A

Stamina : A

Mana capacity : A

Skills : Magic sacred gear [lvl.1], Magic reflection, System read, Mind read, Magic collection, Teleportation, Quick step, High jump, Quick heal

Spells : Fireball, Mud trap, Earth shield, Lightning blade, Water ball, Water dragon, Fire dragon, Wind blade, Wind blast, Water blade, Electric water dragon, Electric water blade, Hot mud ball, Electric water ball

--> System : [Dragon Emperor lvl.85]

And your level has also increased."]

"Wow that's great. What is the quick heal skill used for?"

["Just like the name implies, it heals both internal and external injuries quickly. It is very essential in battle."]

"That is so amazing

Then I heard the teacher's voice

"Micheal Erics, pay attention to what I'm saying"

"Sorry ma'am" I replied

First of all, you all should come forward and place your thumb on this magic paper. So that I can know your system levels.

She brought out a long white blank paper and placed it on top of a table. We all did as we were told but when I placed my thumb on the paper nothing appeared, it remained blank for some time, then some things appeared on it


Name: Michael Erics

Rank : D

Strength : D

Agility : D

Stamina : D

Mana capacity : D

--> System : [Dragon Emperor lvl.1]

My skills and spells disappeared and my system level reverted back to one and my rank dropped back to 'D'

"What's going on" I mumbled

"What have you been doing with your time you haven't even learned anything" My teacher said.

I went back and couldn't stop thinking about it. Then I called my system

"Dragon emperor can you explain what I Saw?"

["That is not your real status list I changed it"]


["If she had saw your real status list, she would have known that something is behind it. You started magic last week so you can't possibly know that much"]

"Oh. So what am I going to do if she asks us to cast magic spells?"

["Hmm, just show her basic spells like fireball and lightning blade"]


Then the teacher said

"I have your informations now, so let's go back to what we are supposed to do today."

She called Joseph Oscar first. He walked out with pride and said

"I will start with a simple fireball and I won't want to use my most powerful spell here I'm saving it for the magic competition."

He first created a fireball and then wind blast he also casted some other magic spells. The other students also showed off the spells the the teacher called Ryan. He came out and started with an earth shield he also used water shield and some other defense spells. He went back to his seat. Then, the teacher called Kate. She came and brought out her sword. She started with a wing blast, wind blade, sword flame ball and some other spells.

Then the teacher called me out. I came out and first created a fireball and a lightning blade then I went to my seat.

"Is that all?" The teacher asked

"Yes ma'am" I replied

Then I heard some students say

"He is the only one still in level one and he could only cast two magic spells. Such a loser"


I smiled and went to my seat. Then Ryan asked

"Why haven't you been practicing?"

"Nothing I have been busy"

"You have to practice if you want our team to win at least two matches in the mock duels" he said

"OK what is the first match tomorrow?" I asked

"Its our team vs another class one team" He replied


When the class ended, Joseph came to us and said

"Hey moron, haven't you learned your lesson yet?"

"I don't have time for your little games Joseph." I said as I walked away. Ryan and Kate followed me too.

We were told to go home and prepare for the mock dusk tomorrow

On my way home, I went to a cell phone shop to buy a phone. When I finished, I went home.

I got home and quickly went to the bathroom to take my bath. I finished taking my bath then I wore my clothes and went to the kitchen I prepared omelet and then ate when I finished eating I went to bed.
