CHAPTER 21: [The curse land] - [Smell lost] - [The raging slaughter of war] - [1]

As the sun started to appear in the horizon the guards standing on duty on the temple's walls were surprised when they saw a whole army appear before their walls.

But they didn't have time to sound the alarm that the eagle had already taken flight zooming in the direction of the walls.

In a matter of seconds war had broken out and the monkeys took a one sided loss. Their soldiers weren't ready for such an attack and could respond effectively.

Nevertheless the alarm for war resounded as one of the guards succeeded to attain the gong and hit it once with everything he had before being pulled in the air and dropped by one of the eagle night patrol unit members.

The eagle had prepared so that every gong on the temple's north, south and west sides walls was taken down by a unit of night patrol. But there was an exception, they had purposely left all the gongs and walls on the Eastside of the temple free of any attacks only alerting the soldiers so that they rang the alert.

After the first gong was hit only three out of the total numbers of 12 gong rang permitting the eagle soldiers to enter the temple relatively discreetly, while the attention of the soldiers that had heard the gongs were mostly brought to the Eastside were two out of the total of three gongs had rung.

This ensured that they kept the element of surprise the longest time possible and made the most casualties on the other side while they could.

After ten minutes of taking advantage of the situation they had created and used to reduce the number of enemies, the temple's head Bahara accompanied by the top disciples came out of the main building and headed straight into battle.

The monkeys were superior in number but the eagles that were born had lived all their lives in the jungle without any fixed home and all had the strength of the medium monkey disciple and more importantly they had their elite teams the night patrol members and the generals.

The Kaan's temple's top disciples were stronger than the night patrol members but only half of their numbers. Their elite forces were even stronger than their top disciple but only had twelve members. The eagle generals were stronger than the elite forces and were thirteen.

A big commotion could be heard and five eagle soldiers were sent flying over the temple's wall, they fell at Ying-ba's feet completely ravaged. There was a hand mark embedded in their chest, they had their chests' pushed in and their lunges collapsed.

Soon an explosion occurred behind the temple's walls and the ground shook heavily, the sound of slaughter could be heard.

Ying-ba quickly reacted to his soldiers losing their lives and landed on the wall with one jump, his generals followed his example and taking flight they arrived beside him to witness the confrontation that was going on in the temple.

Countless eagle and monkey corps were covering the ground, the soldiers were struggling to keep their lives as they fought on the corps of their friends and foes. War was merciless and chaotic, soldiers from both sides swung their swords with intent to kill and they hadn't any pity or doubt in their eyes.

Bahara was standing near the main temple door killing any enemy that approached him with a hit from the scepter he had in his hand.

If he took part in the main fight it would result in the death of both his disciples and the eagles so he could intervene.

His top disciples were standing around him in a circle, killing the eagle soldiers and widening it as they advanced closer to the temple's wall.

Seeing the scene ying-ba ordered one of his generals to proceed with the actual attack and jumped down the wall from where he was previously observing the gruesome scene.

YIng-ba faced a monkey soldier that instantly jumped back as he felt Ying-ba's presence coming down. Ying-ba didn't bother with a bug and simply crushed him into a bloody mist with the movement of closing his hand.

The eagle soldiers didn't hesitate to attack stronger enemies and did not fear death as they had the determination to eradicate the monkey race that had killed their children and wives. Contrary to the eagles the monkeys acted while trying to stay alive, as they didn't have the will to sacrifice themselves for their fight.

Next, Ying-ba gave the order to all his generals to disperse and to help their soldiers in difficulty.

He walked towards Bahara and as he walked the bodies that were laying on the floor were sent flying to the enemies that were on his path.

Seconds later he arrived face to face with one of the top disciples and before he could do anything, Ying-ba punched in his direction and opened his fist as it was going to collide with him, sending him flying with a hole in the abdomen.

The disciple flew past Bahara and collided with the door of the main building.

Looking beside him Bahara's face that showed sorrow from what he had seen past him and collided with the door changed to one of deep anger.

He kneeled and took his dear disciple's body and laid his head on his legs. He closed his disciple's eyes as tears started slowly raining down from his old eyes that seemed to have seen all there was in this world and on his disciple.

The disciple Ying-ba had just killed was like a son to Bahara that had found him in the forest and had taken him in.

At first Bahara was hit by a wave of sorrow when he saw the death of his disciple but as he saw in what abominable way he had died he exploded with rage.

Ying-ba was surprised by the student outburst of bloodlust that was sent to all living animals in the temple and its vicinity, but he wasn't disturbed by it and continued on his tracks.

On the other hand every soldier was stopped in their fights as most of them experienced the most bloodlust they had ever felt in their whole life. They felt as if they were facing an insurmountable being comparable to a mountain that was going to crush them under his feet.

"Dao-ming I never called you son. I am sorry I couldn't tell you how I felt about you. My son I will avenge your death so that you can have a proper rest in the heavens." Bahara shouted looking at the sky where he believed his 'son' had gone.

Ying-ba took advantage of the state of Bahara and was now in range of the temple master. Bahara hadn't felt his presence as he was mourning his 'son', he would normally have reacted if it wasn't for his current state.

As Ying-ba pushed himself forward with his left foot and wielded the wind as a spear targeting Bahara's heart, Bahara suddenly jumped and turned around before landing on the roof of the temple.

Ying-ba followed the old monkey and jumped high in the air using a flap his wings to create more strength to his downward strike. This time he shaped an air current in a whirlwind at the end of his previously created spear to improve its destructive power as they had left the zone in which his soldiers were.

Bahara quickly put his disciple down on the roof and executed his own attack, he accumulated the strength of his attack by charging at his enemy while changing directions tens of times.

The two enemies quickly reduced the distance between them and their strikes collided in midair creating a sonic boom that made the whole temple shake.

Bahara fell back on the roof and Ying-ba was pushed back further in the air by the powerful wind created by their attacks nullifying each other.

Ying-ba directly used the advantage he had just created and used the rapid wind for his next attack. He made the wind created by the previous attacks rotate in a spiral shape around Bahara and the temple before instantly condensing it in a one meter tall sphere that he wielded above his head with both his hands reaching high in the sky covering the sun from Bahara view.

The next moment he swung both arms down and sent the sphere he had created that was composed of thousands of sharp wind currents.

His attack rapidly flew to its target and it made a frightening noise as it collided with the roof. The roof was instantly reduced to dust by the rotating wind blades and the dust propagated in the air creating a smoke like screen that hid everything going on the roof.

Bahara had barely dodged the attack, he recognized Ying-ba as qualified to be his opponent and decided to use his full power to face him. He couldn't spare his strength in this situation or he would die without being able to do anything.

Ying-ba slowly descended from his previous position using the wind to heavily slow his fall, he arrived near the impact of his attack looking to confirm that he had killed the temple's master. He was quite unsure about his kill as he had seen from their previous confrontation that he was very skilled.

The smoke created by the grinned roof bricks surrounded Ying-ba and as he got close to the hole he had created. He brought both of his hands together, colliding them in front of him and made a movement that looked like he was opening something in thin air.

As he did that the smoke was pushed back, it opened in two as if it had been cut open and he suddenly saw a fist come out of the smoke from his left flank.

It was none other than Bahara's fist, he had used the smoke to his advantage and had also concealed his presence so he could get closer to strike.

Ying-ba sent a powerful wind current by waving his hands from right to left, he tried to deviate the course of the punch or at least slow the punch and weaken the attack. The punch barely reached his ribs pushing him five meters away, he knew that if he hadn't used his wind he would have been in a very bad shape.

Being pushed he entered the smoke he had moved aside earlier and was blinded for a second, before he could disperse the smoke for the second time he received another hit.

Bahara had just used a rotating move on one hand similar to capoeira and had kicked Ying-ba's face with his full power.

This time Ying-ba was flung by the impact and his body was sent flying out of the smoke and high in the sky.

He regained control over his body as he was going to collide with the roof tens of meters away from his original location and opened his wings adding wind in the opposite direction of his fall.

He succeeded to slow himself enough so that he didn't take any additional damage but he felt as if he had taken a blow from a rhino. Bahara wasn't to be taken lightly either as they both were 5-star aura users.