CHAPTER 22: [The curse land] - [Taste lost] - [The raging slaughter of war] - [2]

Ying-ba felt light headed but he could still fight, as they were on a similar level of strength they needed to exchange quite a handful of hits for either of them to be defeated.

Bahara had directly charged to the direction in which he had kicked his opponent. YIng-ba turned around, seeing a dashing thing jumping in seemingly random patterns approaching him at great speed he opened his wings and flapped them creating an opposing wind to Bahara.

Ying-ba mixed in some wind blades in his powerful wind, rendering it not only a way to slow his opponent but also to deal damage to him.

At this point of time Bahara had lost all self preservation, his mind was currently focused only on one thing, and that was to kill the eagle he had in front of him.

He was hit by a wind blade but didn't slow down, he charged regardless of the blades dodging some by a hair or simply taking them head on and continued to advance to his goal.

Multiple cuts started to appear all over his body but the monkey didn't seem to be affected, he even became faster as he came closer to YIng-ba, as if the pain was only straightening his resolve.

He suddenly jumped and using his huge momentum he had built up and shot himself directly at Ying-ba.

Ying-ba stopped his attack, he moved both his hands in a semicircle combining their movements to trace a circle in front of him. As he rotated his hands wind followed and as he finished his motion he had created an air sphere around himself.

Bahara's right foot collided with the protective barrier and was pushed aside by the centrifuge force of the wind. He didn't stop and started moving lightning fast around the sphere hitting it from every angle so fast that only a blur was visible.

The pain from punching the barrier was normally enough to discourage any enemies from repeatedly hitting it, until this day his opponents had always tried other ways than brute force to scatter it.

Bahara's determination could be seen by the state of his fist and legs, adding from the previous cuts he had all other his body his fists were bloodied by repeatedly punching Ying-ba's defense.

At every hit on the protective barrier the roof was getting more and more weakened, so when Bahara hit the sphere in a downward kick the roof instantly crumbled forcing Ying-ba to disperse his defense and to jump back.

Ying-ba couldn't afford to enter any buildings as the monkey had a heavy advantage, they could make use of their agility and it would also restrict his movements.

Ying-ba dashed back and Bahara followed him closely trying to reduce the space between them. He looked like a vengeful spirit, his eyes were empty and he suddenly emitted a bloodlust and aura manifestation that froze Ying-ba for a second giving him enough time to get closer to him.

His aura manifestation seemed to extend other the sky and beyond, it was a black and yellow aura that seemed to be able only to come from a powerful demon.

For an instant Ying-ba saw countless possibilities of his death, it was as if he had died a thousand times in a single second, he could clearly remember every one of them as if he had truly lived them.

At this distance Ying-ba didn't have the choice then to go fist to fist with Bahara, he didn't want to resort to this as it would create a huge commotion destroying everything around it and it had a very high chance of killing his own soldiers.

Their fist collided and the temple in a perimeter of fifty meters was destroyed around them, Ying-ba used his winds to stay in the sky and Bahara used his aura to maintain himself.

Bahara's next punch was even faster and Ying-ba dodged it shortly by quickly tilting the head, Bahara's punch passed a hair apart from Ying-ba's face.

Ying-ba used this occasion and countered the punch with a palm to the torso in an upward motion sending Bahara high in the sky.

Next he straightened his hand and slashed sideways creating a twenty-five meters wind blade to cut Bahara.

Every single of their attacks destroyed their environment, after exchanging three more hits and the main temple structure was now almost non-existent.

YIng-ba had started to feel the damage his body had taken while Bahara looked more like a walking corpse than an actual one. It was a mystery to Ying-ba as to how he was still able to breathe in this state.

What's more he was able to fight on equal grounds with Ying-ba and maintain himself in the air while doing so.

While Ying-ba was thinking about the state of Bahara, the monkey that had gone berserk made an unpredictable move by changing his trajectory in midair resulting in Ying-ba taking a heavy hit to the shin.

Ying-ba was instantly K.O.ed and fell from the sky crashing on the nearby mountain, he was brought back to reality from the shock of the collision and dodged Bahara's fist that impaled itself in the hard mountain and caused it to fracture.

The mountain was now only staying as one because of the weight of the pieces composing it, one more hit with that kind of strength and the mountain would crumble like a sand castle.

Ying-ba created two wind blades that he sent directly to Bahara head, they were dogged by him but as he was going to strike the immobilized YIng-ba again they came back right at his head but this time they were hidden from his vision.

Seeing no reaction coming from Bahara as the blades headed for his head he was sure of his victory, but as the blades got ten centimeters close to Bahara he stopped the attack on Ying-ba and protected himself with his left leg.

Blood flew and the mountain gray rocks were tainted with a crimson color, Bahara's leg had succeeded in protecting his body but the cost was great, he had just lost one of his limbs.

Ying-ba had used this time to recover from his previous state and jumped back a few meters to reassess the situation. He knew that in Bahara's current state a removed limb would be a limitation that would stop him from fighting.

But what he had never fought happened before his eyes, Bahara stood on three legs. His face showed anger, determination, sorrow and pain but by no means he seemed to care for his lost leg.

Ying-ba also assumed a fighting stand, he knew that this fight would decide the death of one of them. It was a matter of life and death, the next moves they were going to exchange were going to decide the fate of thousands.

Both of them charged each other, the sound of their footsteps shook the earth, this was a match between two of the most powerful beings of these lands, a match that would change history and shape the earth for ether.

Bahara finally showed the Aankh temple secret martial arts that were only passed down from head of the temple to the next. He had actually been using it for a while to doge Ying-ba's hits but this time he used a different technique focused on offense.

He started shouting while changing between very low to very high pitch frequencies thus creating a deadly sound wave, it was *the cry of the dragon*.

Ying-ba felt as if his eardrum were melting from the cries of a thousand restless spirits all crying in union in his ears, he started to feel disorientated and could stand properly. Soon he had lost the use of his ears and he was struggling to keep himself continuous.

After Bahara had finished shouting he slowly approached YIng-ba as he had reached the end of the stick, all the damage he had taken fell back on him and he regained his consciousness.

He wanted to finish his enemy before he pulled any other tricks, and he wanted to make sure it would be the last thing he does before his death. He couldn't afford to leave before accomplishing his revenge.

As Bahara dragged himself to YIng-ba he started clothing blood and his fur started to shave off. He arrived near Ying-ba but he didn't have the strength to finish him and fell beside him.

Using his life force as fuel he sent a powerful wave of mana broadcasting a message in all the forest and proceeded in vibrating the remaining mana inside his body at a frequency to explode himself.

Ying-ba remained unconscious not knowing that he was going to die without being able to do anything about it.

Just as Bahara was exploding a silhouette appeared behind a nearby boulder, it was none other than Gu-washi that had woken up during the fight and had decided to observe it.

He was determined to help in any way he could, what's more Ying-ba's death meant the loss of leadership in their armies and a potential fight between the generals for it. In his current state he could fight them who he usually would so he was unsure of his victory.

Gu-washi approached the two leaders. He understood what Bahara was doing from the mana fluctuations he could feel around him, he grabbed his leader and left the scene at his fastest speed.

"Eagle I won't let you escape after what you have done". As Bahara said that he started to glow and his body instantly shrunk. A second passed after he had completely disappeared and Gu-washi hadn't stopped running with all his might.

Suddenly a huge implosion happened, The space around Bahara previous location started to disintegrate at fast speed. The implosion was moving faster than Gu-washi, so he was quickly getting caught up by it.

The mountain started to crumble and a bright light illuminated from the mountain. A thunder-like sound could be heard tens of kilometers away.