After a few hours, I noticed that most of my wounds had healed, they were still present, but they were significantly better than when I was still in the cave. I guess this pod really did have healing capabilities. My body was still sore and it hurt to make any major movements.
I made my way out and left Haven.
Suddenly, I arrived back into my room, it was past midnight. I wasn't going to be doing anything else today so I packed my things for tomorrow and went to bed.
'As everyone probably already knows, we're releasing your opponents for those who are in the first qualifiers round. You will be handed a sheet with the name, year and general information on the person you're fighting, utilise this information well and good luck.'
I looked down at the sheet I was given.
{Opponent: Maiko Sakurai - First Year Student.}
So she was in the same year as me. Below her names, there was a little bit of information on her combat capabilities.
{Level-2 Esper, air-type user. She is capable forming air currents around her to make it difficult to land a hit on her. She uses blow darts and uses her abilities to manipulate the movement of the blow darts in the air to hit her opponent.}
The school gave a pretty decent explanation of her abilities, however, the best way to gauge her strengths and weaknesses was to watch her fight in person. Students at this school are given access to state-of-the-art training facilities and teachers who specialise in training and sparring with students.
There is a relatively large training facility in the middle of the school. Where you could book access to one of four training grounds where you would spar with either a teacher or a fellow student. These areas were open to spectators and the booking list would also be released to everyone. This means the best time to see your opponent in action would be during their training time.
The reason that the school provides information on your opponent is so that students aren't too discouraged from training as their opponent would already have some information on them even if they never train.
It was almost lunch time, I made my way over to the bookings list for the trainings grounds and looked for her name. There was already quite a large amount of bookings, probably from students preparing for their fights in the qualifier rounds.
After looking through the list for a little while, I noticed that she had a booking for 2:05pm, which was just before the end of lunch. I decided that I'd skip a bit of my last lesson in order to watch her train. Suddenly, someone called out to me.
'Well, if it isn't Ritsu.'
'Do I know you?'
It was a random girl who I had never seen before. Based on the accessories on her blazer, I assumed that she was either a second or third-year. She also had a very unique colour of hair, it was like a blonde colour with a hint of red or pink.
'I can't believe you're... the way you are.' She said.
'What is that supposed to mean?'
'You're so weak, yet your sister is so strong.'
My sister? I was pretty sure I didn't have a sister.
'I don't know what you're talking about.'
'Huh? You're sister's the level-6 isn't she?' Even she was confused now.
'I think you've got the wrong person.'
She looked down and stared at her phone for a little while.
'I guess they weren't lying when they said you lost your memories.'
Now that I think about it, it was true that I couldn't remember anything past a few years back. I had never realised this, but there was a chance that at some point in my life, I might have lost my memories. I had no memories of my parents, or this sister of mine, all I could remember was the bullying I sustained all through my schooling life.
'Well, it's a bit too early for me to get too close to you.' She continued.
'This will be it for now, we'll meet again in the future.'
With that, she left without saying another world.
I didn't understand, I had a sister? And she was a level-6 at that? How could I have forgotten about all of this? However, now was not the time to contemplate all of that, I needed to make preparations for my fight as well.
I checked my experience.
843 [9500 needed to level up]
Yeah, there was practically no way I was going to level up again in such a short period of time. My best choice was to just practice my swordplay, which I could do discretely in Haven so no one could watch me. I checked my shop for the day, although I didn't really have any Vampire Tokens left.
For Sale (Refreshes every day):
[Vampire Token Generator] - 30 Vampire Tokens
[Increased Blood Capacity+] - 110 Vampire Tokens
[1 stat point] - 100 Vampire Tokens
[Instant Healing Potion] - 5 Vampire Tokens
I noticed that there was something called a Vampire Token generator, it was only 30 Vampire Tokens which seemed confusing. By the sound of its name, it sounded like something that automatically gave me Vampire Tokens, which for that price seemed to good to be true. I kept it in the back of my mind.
During the battle, students are allowed to bring any accessories and weapons as long as they are not mechanical weapons. Which means things like guns and bombs were not allowed, however, knifes, swords, bows and any other non-mechanical weapons would be allowed—this rule only exists in the preliminary rounds however and it's complete free reign for the official tournament.
I wouldn't be able to buy a grenade and throw it at her so I was left to only using my sword and my physical strength. The arena for the qualifiers have some large obstacles, however, after the qualifiers, the arenas would be completely empty. This mean that in the first round or two, I would be able to at least somewhat utilise my [Vampiric Scanner].
The time was 2:04pm, she would be entering the training ground about now. Time to gather information on her fighting style.