Dungeon Exploration - Part 4

Ah, my vision is getting blurry again.

I really can't be making large movements in this state. I was forced to take a seat on the moist, rough rock on the ground of the cave to regain my composure. I took long, deep breaths to try to get my body back in control.

I'm not going to last much longer.

I was running out of almost everything. I had no more grenades left, I had used my flashbang, I only had two [Freeze Bolts] left and I only had three Vampire Tokens. I desperately needed to make my way out of this perilous dungeon.

I once again pulled myself up from the ground and continued ambling through the dark, unforgiving cave. Blood was still slowly dripping down from various wounds on my body, I needed to get out of here.

There were very many splits, with multiple paths, I would use [Vampiric Scanner] and eventually it began causing a headache to occur.

Ah, this was painful.

I continued through, looking around desperately for any sign of an emergency exit. I had travelled almost a kilometre through the dungeon since I entered yet I still had not seen one—unless I've been walking past them without noticing for some reason. I kept pushing forward, inhaling the cold, melancholic air, one breath at a time. I kept pushing forward, walking, through the cruel, heartless dungeon, one step at a time.

In the distance, something caught my eye. It was another split like normal, three paths, however, one of the paths had a very specific symbol engraved next to it. It was the escape symbol, this was it. This was the exit.

I decided to run my [Vampiric Scanner] one more time to check my surroundings. I looked around the entire area and noticed that there was a very small monster a few metres behind me. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my head, I had used the scanner way to many times in this short period of time.

As I held my head in pain, I noticed that the monster come within range so that I could see it in the darkness. It looked to a be an oversized beetle, although it wasn't as big as some of the other gigantic insects.

Shit, I didn't have time for time.

I tried to amble towards the emergency exit as fast as I could, however, I was no match for the speed of the beetle. It would catch up to me in less than three seconds at this rate. I was forced to turn around and try to stop it somehow.

I hadn't practically nothing in my disposal. I conjured [Freeze Bolt] into my hand and shot it towards the beetle. I was about twenty metres away from the emergency exit. My entire body was practically shaking in pain, however, I had to keep moving.

The beetle was stopped for around two seconds before it broke out of the ice and continued chasing. I was now left to my very last weapon. I conjured [Freeze Bolt] into my hand, my very last one, and shot it down towards the beetle. The beetle was around twenty metres away from me and I was ten metres from the exit.

I heaved my body forwards and stared straight towards the door. I did not have a single weapon left. I had no where enough energy to be able to wield [Blood Blade], it was all or nothing at this point. I pushed through the stinging pain, ambling closer and closer to the door. This was it, salvation was in sight.

I suddenly heard the noise of the beetles breaking out of the ice again. There was nothing I could do, the sound of its footsteps echoed through my head as I pushed my body to the maximum. I stuck out my hand and grabbed the corner of the exit, throwing my body through, just as the beetle was about to reach me.


I suddenly breathed a breath of fresh, crisp air. All around me was fluffy bright green grass. The temperature was warm, like a calm spring day. The bright sun greeted me, covering me with its light.

Ah, I'm finally out.

My body was in so much pain I could hardly move. My face was flat on the ground, resting on the cushion of grass below. I had never felt so much relief before. I did not realise how much my life was in danger.

I looked up and noticed that a pod had appeared. It looked like an extremely high-tech toilet stall. There was a tall vertical window on the door, I saw that the inside was filled with a deep blue light. I pulled myself up and limped towards the pod. I put my bloodied hand on the handle of the door and slid it open.

Inside, I was greeted by a very large fluffy bed, much better than the one in my room. There was also a remote control with many controls, I could control the light, the temperature, the humidity and much more. I reclined down on the bed and stared up at the roof.

Ah, I really needed this after that dungeon.

Beside the bed, there was a little note, it detailed the effect of the room.

{The Haven Recovery Pod is a pod that increases the healing speed of your body. It is also designed with optimal comfort in mind and all your injuries are numbed when inside this pod. You can use this whenever you like, however, this pod will only ever exist in Haven.}

This was really nice.

It was like laying in a cloud, floating away into the sky. Before long, my eyes slowly closed as I drifted off to dreamland, finally recovering from my plethora of injuries that I had sustained in the dungeon.

Tomorrow, each person's opponent for the qualifiers round of the tournament will be released. The tournament was not only a competition of power and ability, but also a competition of knowledge and preparation. I would have to focus on winning my first fight and to do so, I must learn everything about the opponent and counter them.

Well, for now at least, I can rest.