I’ll End You

"Don't follow me". Diane pulled her arm away from Josh who seemed to have been lost in thought.

The Uber she'd ordered before leaving the restaurant had been waiting for her.

"No. 4 Jasmine street".

He nodded before zooming off.

Rudertine was the most prosperous nation in the west, its capital - Fredo, was marked as one of the world's wonders due to its architectural prowess.

Diane's eyes looked straight out the windscreen to catch a glimpse of the famous hotel in the distance.

Bermount Groove. It was the second tallest building in Fredo and average citizens couldn't afford to spend even a night there. Just how you couldn't get in without undergoing three security checks as well as fingerprint identification to establish your true identity.

Her eyes moved to her thumb.

If they were to discover you were a nobody and without a rich escort, they'd surely embarrass an individual!

"Bzzz bzzz". The driver attempted to tune the car radio.

"I still can't believe it, Phil".

"Neither can I, Andy". Came the familiar voice of the two hosts who ran the show 'celebrity gossip'. Gwen usually watched their shows while Diane would have her headphones on listening to rock music.

"I mean, he's just one man! So how did he end up acquiring half the country?".

"I wish I had the answer to that, Phil. I heard the government owed him a fortune and only the nation could suffice as payment".

"The story went like this- The government borrowed a huge amount from him and had to pay up before a certain period. Being unable to do so, they had to sign off the nation to him".

"They should have just signed off our lives too! Sheesh!".

"I couldn't have said it better myself Andy. I'd rather be stuck paying off my loan now before they take my baby girl as collateral".

Andy laughed. "Single pringles like us can't relate".

"But you're gay".

"Then I need a boyfriend!".

"You're too old for that Andy, get a wife already. I see how Steph looks at you".

"You mean my cat?"

"Yeah bro. You're giving that little thing all your time, I'm gonna be a grandpa by the year you get a wife. Well, back to the topic at hand...". He suddenly diverted.

"Did you hear about Mirabel Smith getting her boobs enlarged? I mean, it was big enough before. It's literally the size of her head now!".

"I know right, I feel bad for her back".

"Carla's gonna find out you've been looking at other women's titties".

Phil laughed. "Ohh shut up!".

The driver turned off the radio after that and she somehow found herself relaxing as the jazz music being played. The man the presenters had spoken of was no other than the famous Drake Bermount who Gwen mentioned.

He'd supposedly been on the news for the past few days after acquiring half of the nation from the government which remained unable to give a reasonable explanation to its citizens.

Sadly, she didn't watch the news.

'Just what could such a man look like? Old and round maybe? Or...'


"A car?". The stranger's voice beside her made Diane jump in shock.

"It's you...". She wasn't really in the mood after what had gone down with Josh. Her eyes looked straight to discover the driver had been missing?!

"Shit!". She panicked leaning forward to hold the steering wheel.

"Don't bother". He leaned back with his hands folded. "No one else can be in here". Today, he was suited in a dark tuxedo and his hair was slicked back in place like some kind of model or movie star.

Was he on a date?

The first few years after he'd begun to appear in her dreams, it was as though he couldn't speak. He merely came to seduce her…

"I'm not in the mood right now, so let me out". His eyes narrowed and although his voice was calm, it was obviously a threat and not a mere suggestion.

"Excuse me?". She arched a questioning brow after moving to sit directly against the door. Wasn't she the victim here?

He turned to face her, taking a good look at her face - without smiling. His fingers moved to caress her thighs. "This dress...". He moved closer. "It's too revealing".

His words had come out as a whisper as he leaned closer to nibble at her ear.

Diane gulped.

While sitting, the splits of the gown revealed her underwear.

Without taking his tongue away from her ear, his fingers slid between her legs to rub her core.

'It's hot'. She was referring to her ear as well as her insides. It was when he'd begun to shift her underwear that her senses returned for a moment.

Diane shoved him away making him send her a piercing gaze. This man loved to tease her all the time, was he even a real person or just someone her head cooked up?

She lazily moved to kneel on the seat with a hand supporting herself at his shoulder. The look in his eye was that of surprise.

Since it was just a dream, for the first time - she should be the one taking the lead.

She moved to sit on his thighs before tangling her fingers in his hair. It was sticky with gel-

She traced the same fingers down his face before leaning in to taste his neck. His body tensed as if he hadn't expected her to touch him. But then it relaxed as she began sucking and biting his exposed flesh, sending shivers through every muscle of his body.

He groaned lowly when her left hand traced down to unbutton his tux, it didn't stop until reaching the bulge in his trousers. "You're hard". She mocked at his ear before lifting her face to stare into his eyes.

Her wild hand skillfully loosened his belt.

"Ughh". He groaned louder when she grabbed his hardness inside his boxers. "Stop teasing me". The man breathed heavily trying to contain himself. "I know you're in Fredo, I can see the hotel from here". The words had come out huskier than he'd expected.

He only jerked back when Diane dug her nails into the sides of his dick. "Die!". She cursed him.

"Fuck!". He punched the door open before shoving her.

Her arm held tight to the car while he forced her head closer to the road. If her face hit the road while a car was moving, it would be a permanent deformity!

"I should have killed you long ago! MaryJane!".