Business Calls

"Mr. Drake?".

"Mr. Drake!".

Drake Bermount opened his eyes to find the meeting room in a panic with most of the executives pacing around.

It had happened once again-

Since he'd first slept with that woman years ago, she'd kept dragging him back and forth into her dream world to drain his life force. If he'd been a mere human, he'd surely have perished by now.

'Damn her!'. He could feel the ache in his lower half. 

At first, she summoned him once every few months, but recently - it had gotten too regular. 

'It had already been twice today!'

Whenever she summoned him, he ends up collapsing in real life like a freaking marionette! 

"Are you alright, sir?". His secretary - Katherine leaned down to whisper. 

"Ahh, yes". He looked around to find that everyone had already been seated.

"If you're not feeling well, we'd best postpone the meeting". Mr. B. Lucian spoke up from Drake's near right. 

He met his words with a warning glare. "I said I'm fine".

The man didn't look convinced. "Very well then, let's continue".

A Chinese man from the far edge stood up with a clipboard in hand before adjusting his glasses. "The Bermount's group influence has skyrocketed this past week all thanks to the boss's reputation. The Automotive sector's sales have gone up by 30% as more individuals have come to purchase 'Alice' - our newest car brand from two months ago. After barely a week of its release, our modified laptop - Sleek Alice, has made a profit of seven hundred million". He paused to adjust his glasses. "Your idea of calling it a 20% off deal to the public as a special release offer was outstanding, sir! It's selling out so fast the developers can barely keep up".

Drake nodded although his thoughts were on MaryJane and different ways to end her life. He'd thought she'd changed from being so arrogant and daring - but he was wrong.

Mr. Feng went on. "The infrastructural sector has only gone up by 5% and we're still acquiring residential buildings as you requested".

"Just 5%?". His frown deepened. "Have you seen to my last request?".

He nodded. "Certainly. I've let go of the workers who'd tried to embezzle company funds and slapped them each with lawsuits". He gave a conceited smile.

"Is that all? They haven't been put under house arrest nor gotten their accounts frozen till the court hearing?".

"No sir, I'll do that now". He sat down before scribbling something on his lower pages.

"Also contact their banks concerning their recent transactions and have those accounts frozen as well. Finally, I invited all my executives because I wanted to open up a new sector". He sent a head gesture at Kate who then turned on the projector behind with a remote.

There was a gun-like object with two layers of silver-like conical plates before its pointed mouth. "This is AL 2205. A solar-powered laser gun which is capable of slicing through even the thickest of metal. What you see before you is a prototype I drew before creating a 3D representation". He placed both elbows on the transparent glass table to help support his chin. "Of course, this would be sold to the military and at the size of a tank. For starters, only twenty-two miniguns and five tankers would be made hence the demand would be high. The approximated production cost is around a hundred million and the product would not be announced to the public". A devious smirk formed on his lips. "Do I see any investors?".

There wasn't one among his executives-

-who didn't raise their hand in support of the project. They knew that no investment with Drake Bermount could be a failure.

Kate walked around to hand out documents to each of the seven executives. "These are the contract papers for you to sign. Please go through carefully". 

Mr. B spoke up once more. "How do you plan to counter the side effects that might be encountered from radiation or ultraviolet rays?".

"Rest assured Mr. Lucian, we've taken precautions for that". Kate smiled at him before moving to stand beside Drake. "We've also acquired a specialist team and a manufacturing site which would be equipped with your investments. The approximated launching date in three months while the manufacturing of AL2205 will be done within the within that period".

Most of the executives nodded in acceptance before reading through and signing the contract. They all knew there wasn't much chance of keeping their standing in the company if they refused to sign it.

In about half an hour, the conference room was empty. 

Kate who'd left to drop the files in his office returned. "Are you alright, Drake?". She leaned down to wrap her arms around his chest from behind. "You scared me".

"It's nothing". He shut his eyes before letting out a sigh. Now that he knew MaryJane had somehow crossed over into the human realm, it would be easier to get rid of her. The closer she was to him, the easier it would be to be pulled into her dream world.

But she'd been acting so clueless it was hard to believe she was the same person.

His eyes moved to look out the glass walls of the Bermount group's building. The hotel was just a stone's throw away from him. It was no wonder she could even drag him into an Uber while taking a short nap.

Kate's hand had begun to trace down his body.

Just like MaryJane, this woman has no limits. He could still feel her nails slightly digging into him.

"I need a massage". He whispered to her hearing.

Kate chuckled darkly against his neck. "Sure thing, sir". Her hands began to rub circles on his upper back before moving to his shoulders. "Where do you need it?". 


Her hands trailed down to rub his chest.


With a slight grin, she went lower to his trousers. "I'm experiencing some obstruction, sir". She bit his earlobe. "I might have to take it off. I locked the doors".

"Sure". For some reason, he didn't feel like doing anything with her, and neither did her words turn him on today. He just really needed a massage.

But the other guy down there had a mind of its own.

Kate started to undo his belt buckle, before lowering his zipper. 

For the whole period, he didn't open his eyes. The dress MaryJane has worn was quite revealing, had she been going to meet someone?

It wasn't his business, but she'd been wet just after he'd caressed her lap. A mischievous grin formed on his lips-

No one could resist him.

"Mouth". He pointed out to Kate who'd begun with her hand. For some reason, he'd felt too disgusted to look at her face-

But getting a blow job made him feel better. 'I'll let you off for today, MaryJane'.