Character Profiles (Not a Chapter)

>>(I hope this won't lead to confusion) Just trying to throw a little more light on their appearance.


Name: Diane Ava Franchester

Age: 22yrs

Height: 5'5

Hair colour/length: Black/medium

Likes: Sweets & sweet things, fried rice, spaghetti, pizza, dream sex, being protected, teasing Gwen, staying indoors, dogs, rough sex.

Dislikes: Clingy people, over dependence, her body disobeying, wedgies, body shaming.


Name: Maryann Janiquel Franx (MaryJane)

Age: [Unknown]

Height: 5'5

Hair colour/length: Black/long

Specie: Succubus [lower demon]

Likes: Power, respect, consuming life energies to keep her youth, straightforwardness, alcohol.

Dislikes: Gatherings, men, the sight of her blood, being looked down on, pushovers, showing weakness, higher demon species, her species, Diane, etc....


Name: Gwen Ottilie Bernard

Age: 23yrs

Height: 5'4

Hair colour/length: Blonde/long

Likes: Fashion, spending, aesthetics, sex, dating, freedom, foreign food, traveling, meeting new people, skydiving, drawing designs, animals, dancing, yachting.

Dislikes: Marriage, saints, studying, artless environments.


Name: Joshua P.J. McNaught

Age: 27yrs

Height: 6'0

Hair colour/length: Brown/curly short

Likes: Diane, polo, the old-clingy-Diane, car collecting, Honey, (other stuff rich people like)

Dislikes: Being called a mama's boy, others clinging to Diane, slutty women, crowds, long conversations, being away from Diane for too long, animals, the slums.


Name: Drake Bermount [alias]

Age: [Unknown to non-family members]

Height: 6'3

Hair colour/length: Black/short

Specie: [Unknown]

Demonic attribute: Lust (will be explained later)

Likes: Peace of mind, Silence, working, fear(from others), mocking weaklings, docile women, head><

Dislikes: Proud humans, Coveters, talkativeness, hypocrites, scheming women, dirt, unwanted visitors from the demon realm.


Name: Katherine B. Lucian

Age: 26yrs

Height: 5'8

Hair colour/length: Red/long curly

Likes: Money, gambling, authority, father's praises, being pampered, reading others.

Dislikes: Unapproachable men, the poor, failure, counterfeits.


Name: Fredrick Campbell Bermount [adopted]

Age: 17yrs

Height: 5'10

Hair colour/length: Brown/lowcut

Likes: Fruit juice, solving mysteries, video games, sleeping, coding, The Bermounts, winter sports, anime, manga/comics/manhwas, war/action movies.

Dislikes: Boring activities, institutional learning, bitter drinks, simple events, demons.


Side (at the moment) Some might never even be mentioned ever again>< (maybe)


>>[Timeless West]

Gerald (Supervisor of floor No.3)

Mrs. Regina (Receptionist)

Lucy (Head journalist & Supervisor of floor No.4)

Jane (Co-worker)

Elvis (Journalist)

>>[Diane's Past]

Braham Anderson Franchester [Diane's father]

Jim [School pervert/ Thug]

Dave [Gwen's ex-]

[Blackmailing seatmate] [Name unknown]

Reaper [Of the human realm]

>>[Bermount Group]

Mr. B Lucian

Mr. Feng

(Note that the deceased aren't listed here)