A Piece of The Puzzle

Sunday was quite sunny compared to Saturday. Diane dressed in a black cropped cami with a colorful ankle-length skirt.

It had already been a full week and after managing her money, she had about two hundred hundred left because taxis in Fredo charge a whole lot of shit!

Her first stop was at the supermarket to buy a few groceries to stack her fridge up. Sadly, she'd never learned how to cook for some reason. After high school, she'd left the slums to live with Josh in the capital city - and he was incapable of cooking as well. At then, he'd even tell her there wasn't any need to learn as he would hire a chef when they got married.

It always felt awkward when he talked about marriage as she still wasn't sure the way she felt at that point.

After dropping off the newly bought items, Diane took a cab and some snacks to entertain herself on the way. Was there a need to find a weekend job since payday was still a week away? But the weekend was already over.