Where The Sun Never Shines

Diane quickly made her way down the road before realizing how dangerous it could become. Her hometown didn't look so wasted four years ago, and the fact that children were still living here only meant that adults were as well.

It was after running for some minutes in a haphazard pattern that she realized how far she'd gotten from her original location. She must have lost the children ages ago as she'd always been quite athletic.

"Hhhh!". She crouched over before letting out a deep sigh. 'Where the hell am I?!'.

Diane slowly stood up straight to analyze the foreign area. The sky was a strange shade of pale purple and instead of the usual sand soil, the ground seemed to be interlocked for as far as her eyes could see.

"Get out of the way!". A harsh male voice called up from behind her and she jerked away to watch a carriage pass by. The horses seemed to be shrouded in dark flames, and the chauffeur was dressed in a blood-red tux. His scarlet eyes narrowed at her as he rode off.