Consumption Limit

'I was raised knowing that everyone else was below me. In terms of wealth, looks, social status, and whatever materialistic aspect the world has to offer. I didn't have to try too hard like those born in poverty and everything I need was at my beck and call - riches, fame, and women'. The thought rang through Acheros's head. 'But here I am, putting in more effort than I'd ever tried to since the day I was born for something I never realized I lacked'.

"Raw strength". Acheros twisted his body to dodge a punch from a wolfman, before digging his teeth into the creature's arm and ripping it off his shoulder with frightening jaw strength. His opponent roared in pain as he stumbled back to recover from the sudden assault.

'And it's almost like something inside me is burning. Not in a painful way, but like an unexplainable Lust for power…'.

He spat the detached arm out of his mouth before taking slow steps towards the creature who'd moved a distance away.