Head Over Heels

Demon Realm, Vggladilsia.

Upper city.

Royal Castle.


Igris spun around at the sound of Neele's voice to meet a familiar pair of dark eyes watching him through the darkness. "Neele?!". He felt somewhat excited for some reason but tried hard to hide it from showing in his next words. "Neele…". His tone was flat as he struggled to come up with what he wanted to say next. He really hadn't thought it through before barging in there and who even knows if Neele hated him?!

Because of how badly Neele had treated him during their childhood, it had made both Drake and their mother strict towards him.

"Do you like my name that much?". Neele took two steps forward and out of the darkness that shrouded his body. "It means horn, did you know?". His expression was plain and unreadable, but not enough to completely put Igris off.