At The End, I Couldn’t Reach You

Neele hesitated for a moment, but then he lunged at Drake with a roar. Drake dodged his attacks with ease, sidestepping without countering at first just to flaunt his speed, while Neele watched his strikes land on afterimages one after the other.

His body felt light, lighter than even air itself.

As they exchanged blows, Neele's movements became slower and less coordinated. It was the price he had to pay for consuming so many demonic souls all at once, they'd started ripping him apart from the inside and his breathing became labored.

Noting that his attacks lacked the ferocity they once had. Drake seized the opportunity and landed a punch that sent Drake flying across the room. For the first time, he could finally lay a solid blow — he could finally touch the shadow that was Neele.

Neele crashed through two pillars before hitting the wall. 

The place Drake's body had broken through the walls before had already begun to fix itself up.