Die For Me

The Void Within,

Location Unknown•••


'How do you do it?', MaryJane who was sitting on the floor in the darkness stared at Diane who was sitting some distance across her. They both had shackles holding their feet to the ground so they couldn't reach one another.

Maryjane's body was made of light, while Diane looked more like a transparent human.

"Do what?". She couldn't tell exactly how long she'd been in her subconscious mind, but it seemed that even MaryJane couldn't wake them up after numerous failed attempts. 

They'd been talking about a lot of things, neither one being in too much of a rush to leave since they couldn't.

'How do you make everyone care about you?'. She'd been watching Diane for four years in the background and it was obvious that Diane had a way of making people care about her without even trying hard. Asides from Josh who'd been under her spell and later became a demon.