Forgotten Lover

Human realm.

Fredo, capital of Rudertine.


Winston, Igris, and Diane appear in the middle of the highway where Igris was last transported from and the doorway disappeared immediately Winston pulled the key out of the knob.

Cars honked and drivers yelled as a few wondered just where the three individuals materialized from.

"I thought you said we'd appear at a safe place?", Winston tried to hide his frustration by narrowing his eyes.

Igris shrugged with an excited smile, "We're not hurt now, are we?". 

"What about a rendezvous location?", the tired butler queried wanting to be away from the redhead as soon as possible. 

"I don't know, probably Dave's place", she waved trying to run off on her own and preparing to take a huge leap to the top of a building. She'd already picked up the human's scent the moment they arrived, which meant that he was close enough.