Remeber Now?

Igris blinked twice, letting her perplexed gaze linger on the human before her. She suddenly burst out laughing, "You almost had me there, Dave". She outstretched both arms towards him expecting him to run to her but Dave looked even more confused.

"Do you know who I am?", his eyes scanned down the woman's body. He couldn't deny the fact that she was extremely attractive, and the golden shade of her eyes made him wonder if she'd worn contact lenses. "I could have you sued for barging in here and trying to seduce me".

Igris's smile faded almost immediately and both arms fell to her side. "I understand", she spoke in a low tone that was filled with disappointment. "You don't like me anymore since I'm now a woman, do you?".

"Huh?", he furrowed his eyebrows at her words. "Who the hell told you that I liked men?". He tried hard to deny the fact.