The first King of humanity: discarded.

{The first King of Humanity}

We want a King! They shouted mercilessly before the judge: Sam. Asking them: Why?

Why, they have a king, the nations around us!

-When consulting: the Creator, Judge Sam-, who in turn was a prophet and teacher. the Creator told him, insinuating:

They have not rejected you, but me: Lest I rule over them. Give them a king:

-From the family routine to the kingdom- And why his father was a brave man and this Sauly was young, handsome; in size he surpassed all. Both because of the legacy of his father, and because of his great size, no one dared to contend with him.

However, in him, in Sauly, the character of a warrior, of courage, has not been forged.

One day his father lost some donkeys and he was entrusted with going to look for them...

You will take the path to Zufay, -his father told him-: On that road. If necessary consult the seer.

Disregarding the customs he forgot to bring a present, and his servant offered him an offering in silver.

Take my master, this will be more than enough offering –Said the Servant.

On the way to search for him, he came across Sam, the seer of the Creator.

To whom he brought an offering, in weight of silver. Seeing him, Seer Sam told him:

Pass this vigil into my care. I offer lodging and food for you and your servant.

Tomorrow you will surely continue your search, but first I will discover: All the desire of your heart!

You, guide us, we are at your service.

The creator –He had spoken in the secret of the Creator, with Sauly's seer, saying: This will govern my people.

Sauly went with him, and spent the vigil. In the place there were thirty important people of the town and the seer Sam, had a chosen piece of meat brought, giving him the best place among the great ones.

Health! Welcome to our lands!

The next day the seer Sam, using a vial of olive oil, anointed him. Indicating signs of his election as Prince of the Creator's people.

-Sauly, The Most High. He has anointed you Prince of His People.

Go now and on the road - three signs will confirm your designation:

First: you will find some men, on the way to the Sepulcher, they will tell you: Your father has found the donkeys, he returns home!

So it happened.

Second: Later, three men go up: one, he will offer you: three kids, another: three loaves of bread, and the third: a vessel of wine.

You will take them and bless the Creator. Then you will continue.

Third: you will find, a company of prophets, way of the Filixs, with psaltery, tambourine, flute and harp, and they prophesy.

Then: the Spirit of the Creator will be upon you, with power and Prophetic Word and you will be transmigrated into another man.

When these three signs pass:

Do what you want, because the Creator is with you!

This last word penetrated very deep and was kept in Sauly's mind, but not in his heart. He told himself:

I'll do what you want!

Thus the three signs happened to him one by one and when the Spirit of the Creator came upon him. Sauly prophesied, telling everyone:

I'll do what you want! I'll do what you want!

Because the Creator is with me!

Everyone said, intrigued what those expressions mean and: Sauly among the prophets?

The Creator knows what to do with each of us. And that was his will.

Sauly, he is the King of the Creator's people!

We only want a man rule us. We want a leader more human than God.

However, some wicked despised his designation because of his appearance and because they knew him. Sauly was not so mature in character.

I hide contempt:

How is this to save us? –They said and went home without giving him a present. Some omen about Sauly's government was announced.

Years later…

The Creator orders him to fight many towns and Sauly comes out victorious over and over again. Until.

The Creator is presented to the seer Sam, saying:

He has not obeyed! He has rejected Me!

He Dismissed Him for King of my People!

He happened like this:

Sauly, -said The Seer Sam-: You did as the Creator asked you.

Yes. –said Sauly.

Yes? And what are they, those cattle, that you hear: weren't they here before? Sam the Seer objected.

Those: I left them to give an offering to the Creator. Saul apologized.

The Creator does not take pleasure in many sacrifices but in obedience.

–Sauly, you will only be rejected by the Creator for having: rejected his word in your life. –Announced Seer Sam.

Since then, ruling was like being in mourning. As if the power of the King had died, nothing could be done. Just waiting for another King to be appointed. The mark of authority of the Warrior of the Creator was no longer with him.

Every war he went out had to lose.

And the Spirit of the Creator departed from Sauly, and he was tormented by a Monk spirit. Which ended up possessing him until the day of his death in battle.