A Shepherd of sheep with gifts of antihero

Augh! I saw it again: There! There! –The still King Sauly shouted with exorbitant eyes.

And he has touched me. Look, he made me: this bruise… Oh!

Every evening at sunset. A new ordeal began, which lasted much of the night and extended on certain days of the full moon, until the wee hours of the morning.

The discarded King Sauly saw without closing his eyes: the imposing sun of the Creator.

What is wrong with you insensitive? –He implored, fallen on the ground, drool falling from his mouth, for such apparitions.

My king, remember Idav, said the King's cupbearer.

Idav, that bully commoner? –Insinuated the king contemptuously.

Yes my King: the sheepherder who defeated the giant Golyth.

And what, has and with him? -Would you like to have a party in his honor: Or what do you want?

No. My Lord King Sauly. –He clarified, the Cupbearer of the King-: Idav is a skilled worshiper, with his harp. He makes the meeting place vibrate. They all end up shaking!

Indeed, by banishing King Sauly from his power. The Creator sought himself: A man after his own heart!

Whom he anointed, Idav, he is the one who now fights the wars of the Creator. Right in the nose of the discarded King Sauly. Whoever observes the following announcement more carefully:

What do you suggest, cupbearer!? Speak at once!

Summon his presence, and let him come with his instrument of praise and play and sing for the King. -Induced the Cupbearer of the King, determining that-: So the spirit of the dark Monk, will leave him at least, he could sleep. Do you think you accept the idea or not?

Idav. Idav! Bring it to me! – He claimed, with the little strength in his voice that he had left from the bad nights he had suffered in recent months.

Arrived Idav, he touched and enchanted that Monk spirit. Well, he was aware that Idav came in the name of the Creator. And before the worship of him there was no Monk spirit to resist you.

No one cared more about those stormy nights and early mornings and they slept confident. Until, it happened: an announcement of wars.

And nobody wanted to lead the armies of King Sauly.

Everyone trusted Idav!

Idav! Idav! He overcame. Idav will win!

By having to preside over wars as King Sauly's General. Idav had to leave King Sauly in the care of others.

Who had no better idea than to pin King Sauly to his throne and put blankets around him, because of the presence of the Monk spirit. King Sauly: he ended up soaked in his own feces and urine. The end of him was near. The ending would not be very happy.

The crowd, effervescent and boisterous: celebrating the arrival of the caudillo. Idav, was the born leader, that everyone wishes to have as King or ruler.

Sauly: he killed a thousand! Sauly: he killed a thousand! – Said the women, who assisted King Sauly in cleaning.

But outside the men, they replied. At the passage of the troops commanded by Idav. Who with the effort of long trips, and hard exercises. He had a statuesque figure: befitting a warrior of the Creator:

He chooses him, calls him, anoints him and prepares him.

Sauly: he killed a thousand! Sauly: he killed a thousand! –The women said: encouraging their downcast King Sauly.

This they said – the men, tired of the farce of a rejected King.

Idav, killed ten thousand! Idav, killed ten thousand!

For hours the loudest clamor was heard, on both sides. Until King Sauly: woke up and hearing the praises. He flared up in sick jealousy: That he cursed Idav's existence.

Sauly: he killed a thousand! Sauly: he killed a thousand!

Idav, killed ten thousand! Idav, killed ten thousand!

Shut up! Or I swear I'll kill them myself, along with that...

Idav. He had to run away. Well, a spear of King Sauly, almost through it.

And, as the King's son: Jhontax, gave notice to Idav, he fled. And he took refuge in the mountains. His house was now a cave filled with bats, scorpions, spiders, and snakes.

The hero who once defeated human giants and gigantic demons before King Sauly himself

He became, an Antihero, because of a jealousy of a demonic King!

(returns a few years ago)