The glory of the people transferred...

Not all change is accepted as such. If it affects those we love. But if they themselves do not love themselves. To do? What can happen to you?

Ichabod! Ichabod! -You could hear a crowd, a man running with blood on his hands, sweaty from having worked so hard.

-What is? Who says this? Come, come closer!? –The formerly seer Elix asked restlessly. But because of his advanced age, in his eyes, he had eternal night.

Transferred is the glory of the People of the Creator! -That's what you say, Elix clarified, but what happened to you? –The wounded soldier in his love of the people, in his love of a man, recounted:

-The whole town perished at the hands of the enemy, see this blood, on my right hand: it belongs to the first four thousand. –Expanding the reason for his misfortune:

And this other blood on my left hand is from those who joyfully carried the Ark of the Covenant, but "the Glory of the people was pierced" and all thirty thousand who guarded it perished.

But what's up, I'll tell you: -If you're old and blind. –He snapped-: Adding:

But it is not from now, but from always.

It is for you, and for your wicked children! You never hindered them. But he is finished:

The glory of the people of the Creator was pierced and with them your children!

My children? My Ofly, my fighter, my Fitly, my overwhelming singer.

What? Bah. Ichabod! The man flared up in a vengeful rage, and surrounded the old man; while he rebuked his laziness.

Was it your fault? –Shouted the man: in the face of the old man, splashing him with slime.

Stunned by the word given, by the news: of the death of his beloved and hated children; and by the tumult of him: he was overtaken by a darkness blacker than blindness and he fell backwards on his back and struck his head:

At that moment he remembered: like in a movie, the hustle and bustle of his life.

Everything lived is bad or good: help, in these moments, one step away from eternity, towards the tombs Where the body would never leave?

A few steps inside the house, the daughter-in-law; that he could barely walk: because of his advanced stage of pregnancy. He saw him fall. And he lunged to avoid the fall: but she stumbled.

Oh! My belly! –The woman shouted, with a triple pain:

She heard the news that her husband and her brother-in-law had died in battle: because the Glory of the Creator's people was pierced.

She still sounded in her ear: Ichabod!

And recovering, without more strength: she saw that the head of her mother-in-law, falling, hit a rock, which held the entrance door. And her eyes met.

To her daughter-in-law, what was left, lying there too, to see her father-in-law, the seer Elix: Die!

Suddenly the placenta, due to the spectacular fall, broke: and the child came out as if by a torrent of waters that go through the hidden lies and his family shame, they were now the cries of the child.

As she watched her mother-in-law die, her daughter-in-law bled to death, she put her hand on her chest and the other on her belly, but nothing could hold anything else. And he died in agony of heartache wounded in his family pride.

Come! Let's go! - Said a neighbor, who hearing the man screaming in the streets, and that after scolding the old man, she practically made him fall to his death.

More women arrived to help this dissolute family. No one knew what to do, or how to shut up that insane man, who already had the Spirit of XMonk in his eyes.

Or to raise the old and blind seer Elix.

A woman: she managed to pick up the child, who was bathed in a pool of blood.

And lifting him high, with his arms outstretched. With that look that only a mother usually has when seeing her child being born to her, she resolutely said:

Ichabed! This child will be called: Icabed!

Those present stopped doing what they were doing uselessly, since both were already dead: father-in-law and daughter-in-law. And they prostrated themselves to the ground, there on their knees: They bowed their faces to the ground, they took soil from the ground where the blood was scattered and they threw it over their bodies and all in an absolute echo indeed, they chanted:

Ichabod! That is what the boy was called. -It was the custom that the children were named; according to the circumstances produced: whether they are good, they are bad, they are from the Creator or they are by the Spirit of the XMonk.

Thus the Creator judged the house of Elix. For the blasphemy of his sons before the Creator.

And why Elix: he hadn't hindered them?

What had Elix done in the past?

Why the Creator told him: "For the iniquity that Elix knows."

So dear reader:

Is it not that these sinned, but his father? And why did these young people not have the protection of a mother?

Sam, succeeded in the work of the XMonk ministry to Elix. Because, Sam, he was speaking on behalf of the Creator!

While the rejected, impious, now well dead, spoke of themselves; and their misdeeds were told…And they all did the same.