The Masters of evil...

To grow, being accepted by the Creator before men. If not:

The XMonk Academy:

When the children blaspheme against the Creator, and his father who hears him does not hinder them. The Creator judges that house forever for his iniquity.

What iniquities did these children do that the father hides at the cost of their own lives?

There is a moment, in families, due to the emptiness of a wife or mother or sisters, when men commit such atrocities; and everything: before the negligent gaze of a father.

Knock! Knock! Knock! The door rang for the third time, in the space of a week. This annoyance, was repeated week after week for the last years. –Elix, he opened it, scolding:

What do they want? Why do they always bother at this time! On Friday.

Elix: They are your children! – Mentioned the parishioner.

Who cares what they did!? Say it once and get off my property.

Your sons slept with two women at the same time; after ministering to the Creator, in front of all the people!

There are those who repudiated these actions and left black flower petals scattered on the altar.

And the husband of one of the women left confused, on the way he blasphemed the Creator.

An icy cold was felt in the air, which soaked the bones of those present.

Come on! Losers! –He snapped: Elix. Wounded in his father's love, but consenting to what his children did.

After a while the children arrived, each with a young woman and an adult.

What do they do! They don't come in here... Pair of misfits!

But? Father, you wouldn't want us to go back to XMonk Academy. If they already reached you with the gossip.

You tell me Ofly: Why join a married woman with a young woman?

Aren't you two enough for you? -He said to the Beautiful young woman, who was carried by one arm of Fitly and by the other arm of a woman who wore the married sign.

Dad. Let me explain: This woman, she was invited to testify about her experiences from her home and recounted certain marital intimacies.

Well, from saying to doing.

Bastard! I better go to sleep at the Academy, lest someone come back and set it on fire. And what would it matter? If this is living in the same hell for you.

Come in!

Change into XMonk Academy clothes first.

Let the old women serve them food and let the young women wash their feet.

And lie down separately or as you please. Leave!

But tomorrow they will listen to me. I will speak at XMonk Academy.

The following week, on a Wednesday:

Elix! Elix! – Shouted a butcher's assistant. Who helped his mistress to bring the weekly offering on Wednesday. This consisted of a ram of good weight. And he complained to Elix. Who did not receive them well, but like every Wednesday: with customary anger:

And now what do you want? I am ready to eat my share of the offering. Inquiring, he said:

Isn't that enough for all of you? Why did they miss?

It is not like this! But today we have visitors and we wanted to give it to you. A good part. As usual. The servant protested.

And what do you prefer, that you from me? Elix claimed.

Your children Elix: They took more than what was established. I asked him. If my Lord finds out. He will fire me. But the problem is: What do we give him? The leftovers they leave us?

Bah! excuses!

Come in and take from table 3, whatever you please. -Elix, you already knew about the adventures of his children and his arrogance about the distribution of meat. And he always expected more than one visit on Wednesdays to rectify the wickedness of the young men: Fitly and Ofly.

They both served as master leaders at XMonk Academy.

A bipolar multiverse, opened by the negligence of the father.

Monday arrived again. And like every Monday of every week for several years.

Master Elix! Master Elix! –Said a father of a family, along with his two youngest children.

And now that? Again you: Let's see what happened? Elix replied.

Master Fitly: You don't use the scrolls. Strangers: they are telling their love affairs.

And my boy and my girl: They need to know about the prophecy!

Do you accuse my children of being impious? Elix claimed.

You will understand -explained the father, a little confused-: That talking about our experiences is not knowledge of the Creator!

What happens to these Masters? -Adding:

It is good that they are your children but the ministry of Teachers is great for them.

They have already told us that as Monks they are not complying either.

At this rate, they will wish them death for their impiety. And you know that the Creator hears!

Enough! I already heard them and the Creator is also fed up that you do not learn the teachings by yourselves. But come week after week for generations and you learn nothing.

And your sons? Do they know a lot for sure? –Saying this, the father: he took his children. Hacienda bows to Elix. They left.

Elix. He knew that tradition required attending Monk Academy.

Therefore it would keep coming over and over again for all your lives. So: he continued with his daily activities like every Monday. He didn't flinch, rather:

He noted the mention as a fault and would charge "the claim" as interference in the work of the ministry.