Up to here the Creator helped us...

He tries to find help. May my brothers and sisters commit to you and to the Artisan Procreation Academy. What have you formed with them? Someday, you should bring them with you! I want to hug them! How I hug you

Say hello to dad! -Although the same Creator made me his son, by adoption, for service in the ministry: he is my earthly father. –Sam, honorable man, honored his mother with his deeds and not a few words from him, saying:

He is praiseworthy: Mother! By your noble wish! That she makes you the most admirable woman in the kingdom. -And tell me mother:

How many other women have come to plead with you for their children? -She answered:

Few, but enough. It is not that there is little interest. No. –I inform you: There are other XMonk Academies in the locality.

One of them: opened your father. When the one in your city closed. That of the eminent: Elix and her discarded children: Ofly and Fitly. In addition, you must understand that:

Well, your father: he was champion of the infidels. Ever since you, you denied him coming back here. Because of the faithful testimony! –And jokingly:

And you are the culprit!

Mom: They listen to you! –Spoke, a little blushed Sam:

Bah! What are they, known to the Creator? Who disowns you!? – Alluded, the mother:

The rest have no power against you. –And a little more seriously, she asked, about the reality of the town in general:

And have you solved the warriors killed in battle? How do you recover all 34,000 dead warriors?

Mother! Enough talk. She objected, Sam:

This is the last question you ask me. Then I will ask you and you will help me define some things.

Your virtue as a woman: Entrepreneur and Director of an XPrays Academy. She makes you an advisor to a Minister of the Word of Prophecy.

I ask you, first thing:

⦁ Well, the people are dissatisfied and there are rumors that they want a King.

The worst is the Ark. He is not with us. And we have no way to consult the Creator. There you go:

The second query:

⦁ We are informed that two cities are going: Gaty and Ecrony; in which people succumb to tumors and because their crops are infested with mice.

You have to run the course of how to help them, in such a way that it is recovered: the Ark of the Covenant.

Well I will tell the spies:

First: They must offer 5 gold tumors, for each prince of their people.

Second: They must offer and golden mice, for each crop to clean.

Third: In a new car, and with two cows make a yoke and let their calves follow them.

Fourth: If the cart goes up the road to BetSem, it was the Creator! Watch until the entrance of the city, then turn back.

Everything went according to plan and the Filixs: agreed to all four steps. And they were freed from mortality, disease and annihilation. For taking something sacred from the Creator.

What's new? –Let's wait a few more days to find out the fate of the Ark, since it has made a stop at BetSem.

And what have these Filixs brought us? –asked the leader of the city.

A somewhat strange cart –Said a local XMonk-: A chest and an ark. I believe they belong to the Creator's people.

Who will tell you why, is this in our land? –The leader asked again.

Well, we understand that it was taken from there in the last battle. –The XMonk explained-: When the children of Elix were killed. Being that later he himself died for the news.

bring! whatever you have. The leader exclaimed.

From here you can see that what it contains shines like gold. –Said another.

It is gold, yes much gold And they looked into the ark: With eyes full of greed! Suddenly:

A torrent of winds with rain that hit his face fell, on that place. And the worst happened:

Nope! Nope! My children... my mother-in-law... my animals... They screamed in a sea of ​​stupor, tears and funeral pain.

That day at BetSem: 50,000 people died.

Without losing more people. They informed the nearest town of Creator with the purpose of collecting the Ark.

The ark. He was away from the Creator's people: 20 years. Until:

Enough! Sam said. Taking authority, not only as a prophet but as Judge of the Creator's people.

It's regeneration time. Take out their idols and burn them with fire.

Bring animals for sacrifice!

The hubbub, after years of self-inflicted defeat by mistake, was such that it could be heard from miles away and the Philistines heard praise again and became jealous.

And they proclaimed to continue with the siege and death. They trusted their idolatrous instinct.

Let's go! Let's finish these off once and for all –Insinuated an XMonk leader.

And they went out on their sides against the people of the Creator; that already added people 20 years later.

Yet to the Creator: he Heard the reverent cry of his people, and heeded the call for sacrifices. Whose scent was pleasant even in his presence. And the Creator of joy. He would not allow his people to be abandoned to his fate. A the power of his enemies.

Boom! Boom! The heavens thundered. As if the Creator himself: spoke for them against their enemies and instilled such fear in them. That the people of the Creator attacked until they were all finished.

Eben Ezer! Eben Ezer! –Those of the Creator's people cried out, saying:

So far Jehovah helped us.

And they rejoiced and had peace.

And Sam, stood as Judge of the people of the Creator; and he went through his cities recovering them: Bet, Gilg and Miz.

In Ramy, where his home was. And the XPrays Academy: Proclaimed the goodness of the Creator. And with the people he consecrated himself. He managed to build an altar: And he worshiped.