BadHabits Academy: Bitterness of Spirit.

³■ The "academies of bad habits" are of three types in this family past of the antihero: (1) Affliction, (2) Indebted and (3) Bitterness of Spirit. The inhabitants of this town of the Creator to recover the status before the Judge, Prophet, and Master XPrays: Sam, must go through:

The XMonk Academy founded by Elcax, husband of Anaxy, and earthly father of: Sam. They are established: three levels, optional, to be admitted; as apprentices of XMonk Warriors, this in the Bipolar Multiverse of Elcax.

These three levels: they were the BadHabits Academies. Let's look at the third:

BadHabits Academy: (3) All Bitterness of Spirit.

-He spoke- Elcax: The antecedent to "restart" a relationship, before the Creator, in the experience of our regent ¹Anaxy is: 'with bitterness of soul' and 'weep abundantly'.

Do not misunderstand: One has to become bitter in the soul, until he vents: everything that bothers; and in the process: crying, cleanses freedom allowing to connect with the loved one. Without prejudices about the past; no damage to the future.


Let's see, the theme of: Elix and her bipolar children: Ofly and Fitly; Elix: She never got 'bitter' to the point of 'crying' for them.

Therefore as she hoped to connect properly so that they would obey her. And listen well: she didn't get in the way or annoy him because of his blasphemies, so the Creator decided to put an end to everyone and to his leadership. They did not have a victorious life among themselves, or in their community, or before the Creator.

I can tell something -Interrupted- a participant. Counting:

I know of a son: Esaux, who for having: 'two women' Hittites, which caused "bitterness of spirit" in his parents: Isacy and Rebexa.

Thanks for telling!


Let's look at another topic, by way of conclusion:

Noemix, 'loses: husband and two children', for negotiating with the wicked by abandoning the Creator's people. That is why Noemix asked to change her name to Mara, which means: "bitterness".

Emotional State Assessment Test

For those, who "disapprove" of XMonk Academy: level 1: 'Affliction'; and level 2: 'Debt'. And they have to choose to "stand out" by getting rid of 'all bad habits' in the present level 3: 'Bitterness of Spirit'. Tell them what they can do, the Emotional State Assessment Test. For:

"Redemption of sorrows". It was required: 'to be sealed' with the Spirit of the Creator, ahead of time and in the process. As it was with Sauly and Idav; before: beginning their reigns and in the process of reigning. This is understood in: 'raising an altar' to the Creator to "enliven the spirit".


Next: Take a blank sheet of paper and a pencil. Then "write down", if you have the following 'bad habits'. Give a value from 1 to 5. In order of greater presence in their lives. Note: after the point the given values.

List of Evil (Bad habits, in bitterness of spirit)

• malice:

• slander:

• shouting:

• gonna:

• anger:

• bitterness:

Bitterness is an unexpected contention, a fullness, about a circumstantial fact; that normally you didn't have. The bitterness once activated, passes to a passive state in the emotions. Waiting for another fortuitous action to produce such a reaction that triggers one of the points on the list.

Go through the list again, and begin: to vent the self, the bad habits. Based on what you marked with the highest value. He has 'a week' or a whole 'bitter life' to do it.

-Question- From a participant, Master Elcax: If these bad habits produce separation. Once discarded from our lives, what should we do?

-Reference- When emptying: the bad, of our being, can be filled with the same. So what do we fill it with?

For your good intervention, you have already passed the test. Whenever you practice having the following. The Kindness List:

• forgive.

• mercy.

• kindness.

Waiting for you, in the best of cases, my beloved: Anaxy, in a week at the XPrays Academy.

Worst case scenario: Bring your test results next week.

XPrays Academy Admission Test.

{³(Case Idav) The antihero: An Octopus


"Octopus" is the scientific designation given to an octopus, because it has 'eight tentacles'. In this novel, the antihero is called: Idav. Because he was the eighth child.

We will mention characteristics of Idav:

• He was a younger brother: shepherd of sheep, and three of his seven older brothers: warriors of King Sauly. Sam, being; Master, Prophet and Judge, he anointed him by order of the Creator; since then he had the Spirit XPrays.

• As a teenager he was "filled with the XPrays Spirit", just before he fought the bear and the lion and defeated them. As a young man he went to bring food to his warrior brothers. Upon arrival: He heard Golix, a giant enemy uttering curses and for having "Discernment of XMonk Spirits". Thus, he commented on his victories and was summoned by King Sauly to go against Golix.

• he put on Sauly's armor, which he did not like: he found it very heavy. Having, treasured the heart of him de: "words of power"; and with only a slingshot and a stone: she fought against the giant Golix and defeated him.

He • he Saw the armies of heaven and also the weaknesses of men. He was joined by 400 men: afflicted, in debt, and bitter in spirit. Which he trained in the middle of a dark cave using: "Hymns, Psalms and Spiritual Songs". With these men Idav: he won several battles until he was crowned King.

-Imagine- Having to analyze in Idav's life: his habits in the areas of relationships, in such a way that he can determine: good and bad habits. Using the two lists: of Evil and of Kindness}

On the back of the A4 sheet, there are the two lists: mark, write the good and bad habits; in the categories of evil or goodness, which they present to you.