Artisan Procreation Academy

How to exalt the Power?

{2nd Secret of Power}

In two steps to two signals.

Anaxy is a very practical woman, she doesn't beat around the bush, she goes straight to her goal, that's why she achieves everything she sets out to do. Therefore, in order to: "reset herself", she elaborated a 'Personal Devotion Plan'.

-I'm going to offer-, like all the aspirants to Guerrero Prays, especially the men, -she said: Anaxy. Detailing-:

A two-step plan for personal regeneration; you know it worked, in my family environment: it freed me from a wicked man. Yes. From the one who sent them: from Elcax.

{2nd SP

Thus, I 'left' my sorrow and 'deposit' all pain "on the Creator's Altar" (you will learn how to build an altar: personal, in the following days) He took from his vial: where my tears fell and by themselves they anointed.

Through my tears she cleansed from my being all harshness towards my husband.

Through my tears he reopened my heart and I managed to: rejoice in the Creator.

Through my tears: came power. And he filled my womb with life, just at the moment I decided: to love my husband.

Then bear fruit: a son; and I managed to multiply myself: in Sam.

Since then my mouth expresses 'joy', 'exaltation', 'mastery' and 'salvation'

-Given this introduction-. Anaxy. She finished by saying:

Let's go to the "procedure" for this class block at XPrays Academy, those who pass the 'Personal Devotion Plan'; for having applied it to their lives: they have a pass to the Artesan ProCreation Academy. Where they can revalue their gifts and be more acts for the family reunion. Well, myself. I will talk to their wives or husbands.

Paths palms, -flooded- the classroom.

To which Anaxy. He said: Don't celebrate! Without first fulfilling the personal mission. There will be time to do as my son does: Idav. She -dropped a hint of how to celebrate-

We want to hear that story! -It was heard-.

It is simple:

Idav, he danced to celebrate the victories that the Creator granted him. -explained Anaxy, outlining a satisfying smile, because I saw the restoration of the students: for so much hope and attention and joy. -They chanted-.

We will do that!

Procedure of the 'Personal Devotion Plan'.

1. Achieving 'double' joy in the Creator through "his heart of him" of him.

2. Achieve 'expand' the sayings about his enemies "with his mouth".

Once the first point is achieved: by doubling the joy in his heart. Such power will come, to exalt the Creator. -Indicating that-, this means: that he opened a divine channel of communication with the Creator.

You managed, from his heart: Raise an Altar! Exalt the Creator.

Now! And for hours if possible and necessary.

(it is as if as a son: "prodigal", you come: from a long trip, where you have wasted everything: 'his family' and you come to: ______________________

Did you write, what's up? It does not matter!

-Focus-, on what is: in front of you or on you; already noticed: "the presence of the Creator" Keep exalting him: raise your hands in reverence and obeisance! 'Adore': Sing! Dance!

-Rejoice- It means to enjoy twice. Keep Exalting the Creator!

-Let's discern-, your spiritual states, next:

I ask: (and you must answer very cautiously by one of the two options)

Option A: Should it be ordered?

Option B: Should it be said?

You decide to answer for the option:________, (Write a comment)

If the answer: is option B, then, I ask:

What to say, having, an exalted power?


The Miser's Mistake: (Discern)

They ask like Lot: prosperity, what was its end?

⦁ His wife ended up turned into a pillar of salt, and her daughters got her father drunk and had "sex" with Lot, once a night. Until they each have a child. Fulfilling: Incest. These generations, the Creator named as: The vessel to wash me!

They ask like Solomon: wisdom. What was your ending?

⦁ He had everything a King: wisdom, wealth, and what as a man he could ask for: 700 queen wives and 300 concubines. Which made him worship false gods. Displeased the Creator.

Understanding, in what: to say, before: what to ask for. Proceed to the achievement of the second point:

In enlarge: his mouth in, sayings; about who?

About his enemies!

One moment! Pay close attention!

It is not precisely to say something; 'against' the enemies, but: 'on' the enemies.

-Against-. Contrariety or contradiction or contention; entails: a certain hatred, resentment, malice, greed, blasphemy, anger, anger, maledicence, bitterness.

-On-. It implies, visualize: see what others do not see. Observe certain shortcomings, limitations, or weaknesses, threats.

Let's look at the subject of the Antihero, Idav, who asked:

⦁ What will they do to the man who defeats this filister, and removes the disgrace of the people from him?

⦁ For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should provoke the squads of the Creator?

⦁ You come to me with sword0 and spear and javelin; but I come to you in the name of the armies, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have provoked.

⦁ all this congregation will know that Jehovah does not save with sword and spear; for the battle belongs to the Lord, and he will deliver you into our hands.