The Prays Book of Memories (1)

A book of memories, it is written: when one returns home. In the best of cases: the family, goes where you take refuge; covering your stay. They see: like other people, they join your just fight. By GenXPrays.

{Sheep Herder Training}

(Pastoral Method)

-Anaxy, prepared-: An excursion of the entire group of participants to finish explaining the "Procedure" of the 'Personal Devotion Plan'. Regarding Option B: Should it be said?

She took the group, to a corralón: annex, to the premises of the Prays Academy. which he stored; hundreds of sheep.

At the time of opening the door of that warehouse. In her left hand she carried: 'The Book of Prays Memories'. And in his right hand a slingshot. And from her lips he emitted: various sounds with his mouth: whistles that when emitted served him to direct two groups of domesticated animals.

1. Whistle for sheepdogs.

-One-: The dogs left the habitual activity of resting in the sun and went to the feet of her mistress, they greeted: with the gesture of raising her right paw.

-Two-: The dogs turned towards a prudent location and one by one they emitted a soft bark: as if to greet each other and another strong bark: as if summoning each other for the task to be assigned. They regrouped six by six. This 'group of sheepdogs' is known: "the star of Idav".

2. Whistles for leading sheep and for the rest of the sheep.

-One-: The leading sheep: They went ahead of the herd and stood in front of each dog; which moved its ears as a sign of receptivity to the shipment.

-Two-: The other sheep: They regrouped around the leading sheep.

3. Whistles: pack regrouping, walk start, pack stop and pack call.

-One: herd regrouping- It was a very sharp and prolonged whistle. And the dogs separated the sheep as if choosing them for themselves. And of course: the sheep agreed to be regrouped. Like they knew who to obey.

-Two: Start of walk whistle- It was a loud whistle and a sharp one. Both: dog and sheep, were advancing towards the road that led them up the meadow. And he did it in six groups. If it was on the top of the mountain: a gigantic star could be seen moving, in a sea of ​​sheep, led in circles by a guide dog.

-Three: Herd stop whistle- It served to give an alert to stop by: At the slightest deviation of one of the groups, they could fall down a rock, or get caught in the bushes and injure themselves. By having to rest to eat or graze or to drink water. To control the speed of the walk and regroup the herd.

-Four: Whistle of herd call- After a long morning moving, followed a hot afternoon of grazing, and when carrying the evening winds; this type of whistle was used to gather everyone into a single group. In this activity all the dogs helped to gather, search, bring the sheep into their own jaws if necessary.

4. The use of the sling.

It was a sling made from the tanned hide of a father sheep. And it was used to wake up sheepdogs or to redirect them on marches, among others.

-Anaxy, counted-: This reference about Idav and his family environment.

(Application in a Family and Social Context)

░ Part 1:

It happened to King David, he had been on the run for years, to the point of living in a cave:

And his family: all his brothers and his father went to the reunion with David.

(family method)

In Idav's childhood:

-Dad-. Idav is not old enough to decide: what to do? -His older brother warned.

Definitely, he can go to the Artisan Procreation Academy: But to see us, or to communicate about us.

He can because of his weak frame and his ability with song and music: graze the sheep.

From time to time you will send him to take us whatever he pleases.

"Okay," said the father. -The reality is that older siblings, in the labor stage, do not need to take care of their younger siblings, they prefer that they continue to grow.

A mentality like this establishes that because they are great they must do more things for great people. and that because he is small he should do things more for small children.

-The family environment-, once solid, was divided into three groups:

⦁ Three brothers -departed- to the XMonk Academy, imposed by King Sauly, to fight the Filistros.

⦁ Four brothers, -remained- at home, together with the father for the necessities of cultivating the land, taking care of the vineyard, to help: the Father, with the administration of the family businesses.

⦁ A single brother, -driving- his own life: he was constituted, a prairie explorer, the lonely: Idav, he led: hundreds of sheep; in a daily coming and going.

*|Reader friend: Have you lived in mountain areas?

Around each house there are small pens and large pens: with animals of various kinds. In the case of Idav: sheep.

The cattle are usually released, with the sole fact of opening the doors.

And the animals like, with a daily life plan: start going out r one by one, until joining in a compact group along the way, as they advance.

There are sheepdogs that guide them, and the whistle of shepherd Idav: he leads them. They are whistles of different sonority, strength and ability.

A "single sound language" between the shepherd: 'who is the creator of each sound' and the sheep: 'who create sheep sounds'.

Both shepherd and sheep play themselves. *|