Seclusion (4) - 60

"Okay, okay, calm the fuck down. I was just trying to wake you up. No need to get your knickers in a twist."

Backing away slowly with my hands up, like she was a feral bear about to ravish me into pieces, I started looking at the window pane that opened up the secret passage, ready to jump towards it at a moment's notice, in case this new personality of hers was even less favorable than the first one I had met.

"I'm not a fucking bear, so put your limp ass hands down and just get out of my sight."

Hearing this, I immediately knew that she wasn't THAT dangerous, and so I stopped backing away and just sat down on the only chair in the room, the one facing the dressing table.

"Didn't I say to get out of my sight?"

"And how the hell would I do that? Your shy persona should have told you that we can't leave this room, right?"

"Why the fuck would I care? Just get out of my sight."

"Alright, if that's what you want." I finally replied, shrugging my shoulders.

"But first, what's your name?"

"Why do you want to know? Fucking loser."

Shaking my head, I could only reply with,

"Just tell me your name, and then I'll get the fuck out of your sight."

"Sigh, it's Natalia, the last name should be obvious." She replied, obviously not believing that I was able to get out of her sight, and "accepting her fate".

But, I would soon prove her wrong, as I started murmuring under my breath, bringing out the power of Angel.

"Angel: I am invisible under the eyes of Natalie Endendyk."

"What are you... saying? Demonic bastard!"

Well, this reaction was kind of expected, as I had disappeared right in front of her eyes.

Moving a little, I positioned myself where I would have the most effect on her.

"I'm still here, you just can't see me."

Flinching after hearing my voice right next to her ear, she immediately lashed out and punched into the "thin air" around her, in the direction of my voice, but I dodged at the last second, giving her no indication of my position.

"Fucking demon..."

Still smart enough to not fully go ham on me, her "angry" personality sat back down on the bed, staring grumpily out the window.

As for me, all I needed to do was wait, as she would soon break under the beauty of this room and our situation.


"I'm bored, fucking stop it and come back out."

Looking up from a book that Mother had handed to me after we had finished talking, a book that I had also made invisible along with myself, I slowly closed it, moving so that I was seemingly following her orders, but doing it in the slowest possible way.

By this point, I had already deactivated Angel, so she could see all my movements, and so that she also had nothing that she could get on my ass about.

"Fucking hurry up, will ya?"

"It's not like a little bit of boredom will kill a person."

"But my fist will."

'Hmm... color my impressed. I thought each personality would have a different level of intelligence, but it seems they all have the same IQ. It's just the way that they use it is totally different for each personality.'

'And, if this assumption is correct, then that means that her battle style, ie. her power, is definitely that...'

Narrowing my eyes at how broken this fighting style was, I couldn't help but think that the Endendyk House was a family full of crouching tigers and hidden dragons.

"What do you want to do?"

"Do you have any ideas? You're supposed to be the crafty one."

'Ugh, stereotyping and racism in a fantasy world? Give me a break.'

"You wanna spar? I bet your smooth ass brawny brain can't even fucking touch my body."

"Oh? Bet."

Quickly standing up, she started stretching her muscles around for a little bit, before getting into a martial art fighting stance, confidence written all over her smug face. (A/N: Both figuratively and literally.)

'So Angry = Hand to Hand, got it.'

Making this mental note, I quickly dropped to the floor, dodging a swing headed towards my head.

"Too slow."

Turning a little red in embarrassment after missing her first attack, she quickly threw a second, and then a third, and then a fourth attack, all headed towards vital points on my body.

But, she was never even close to touching me.

My godly super soldier skills were too much for her to handle, I guess.

"Come on. You literally said "Bet", yet now you can't show anything that can back up your presumptuous words??"

"Shut the fuck up!"

Bursting out in anger, her speed got a little faster, but I knew that she was simply just burning the last of her reserves.

'So, even if she's fucking broken, she still has a lot of things to learn.'

I mean, her body was way too weak to support her fighting style right now, so I could teach her a training regime to increase her stamina.

But, then again, I didn't really want to go through this teacher shit again without getting compensation.

Yet, the fact that she could turn against "dad" was good enough for me.

Turning my attention back to the battle, I could see that she was flustered, as she had noticed that I hadn't even been paying attention to a fight that she considered as really important to her.

Finally, in a single last ditch attempt, she thrust all her power into a single punch, hurtling her fist towards me at a speed that broke the sound barrier.


The shockwave from the fist shook the whole room, but, due to the fact that the entirety of the Endendyk Manor was reinforced through some grand magic, nothing broke, and the only true casualty might have been her own fist, as it started bleeding a little from the air resistance itself.

Anyways, in the end, she wasn't even able to land that standard/generic/impressive punch, as, soon after I dodged it, the "angry" personality instantly collapsed and another took its place, as their body fell to the floor.

But, I caught them before they could fall to the floor and brought them to the bed, laying them down.

"Now, which one are you?" I asked, the smallest hint of excitement clearly visible in my eyes.

The girl in front of my gulped loudly in fear.