Something Sus is Going On Here... (2) - 81

As I moved through the forest, something occurred to me.

'Can't I just use Angel to track where that guy is going?'

I had originally been planning to just stealthily move through the forest like a bozo until I stumbled across some sus dude, but this was obviously a much better plan.

So, putting my thoughts into action, I immediately went back to the scene of the crime and asked Angel to identify all traces of a human leading away from the body.

And well, in the end, I was shown three.

Immediately eliminating one, as I knew it was the path that I had taken just a few seconds ago before circling around again, I looked closely at the other two paths.

'Welp, this is an easy decision.'

I mean, wasn't it the obvious thing to do to follow the trail with the blood?

NO! Obviously not.

Because I knew exactly how guys like myself when I was still a newbie thought, and so I immediately went on the path that didn't have blood splattered all over it.

To me, it was clear as day that the blood soaked path had been a false trail that would lead nowhere, and would just waste my time, and so I went on the cleaner path.

Although, I immediately deactivated Angel after choosing my path, as I knew that I could easily figure it out from here.

I had only used Angel in the first place because I didn't want to be the guy who missed a path after assuming that his prey was a weakling when, although the prey was a weakling in terms of attacking skills, they were actually much more proficient in hiding themselves.

Thankfully, as of right now, it seemed like the prey I was hunting was proficient in neither of those things, like I had originally thought.

With Angel's help, this was confirmed.

And so, I immediately started tracking down the killer of the body I had left behind, traversing the forest in a much faster fashion than my prey, as their slowness was evident from their tracks.

So, within a few minutes, I was right on their tail.

Having already moved up to the trees, I laid eyes on another person that knew techniques from Earth in this world.

And well, what did I expect?

They were literally the perfect example of a mob character working for the "bad" side, all dressed in black cloth wrapped around their whole body with only the eyes showing, being small and lithe, and having a murderous aura that "looked" red around them.

'So cliche...'

I mean, this was probably the best fit that someone should wear when they were going to kill someone, but like, that was only if they were for sure that they were going to escape. If you weren't they you should just dress like a monkey or something that meant something to you instead.

If you even had a 1% chance of being found, then that meant that you were basically as good as dead according to the words of one of my former comrades.

Actually, she was the person specialized in assassination in our group, and one of the ones who had actually hesitated once told to hunt me down, but that was a story for another time.

Right now, I had to deal with this guy/girl in front of me.

Slithering up behind the unsuspecting traveler, I unnoticeably placed my knife on their throat.

I actually hid my presence so well that I started sawing away, slowly but surely, at the fabric and then the skin on their neck.

In the end, I, for some reason, had so much fun with the novelty of this situation that I accidentally sawed too far, and had cut through the evil mob's windpipe.

With that, I had somehow killed a human in such a slow manner that it had taken more than 3 minutes to completely go through the whole process, but the dude never noticed it up to the moment he died.

That just showed how surgically precise I was, and how monstrous some of the abilities that I had learned as a child soldier were.

I mean, I had done the entire thing with the guy's own knife!

Yeah, you didn't even need to talk about my pickpocketing skills when all of the other stuff was so impressive.

Anyways, after falling out of my trance, I quickly realized that I needed to find new prey, and so I tamped down my sudden dopamine rush, which was really concerning that I even had one on a side note, and started jumping from tree to tree again.

(A/N: Dopamine is your pleasure chemical.)

Quickly enough, I found another shadowy figure that looked almost exactly the same as the first guy, and this time, I apprehended the guy instead of killing them.

But, as I was about to ask my first question, I saw a familiar hand movement, in which they squeezed a little indentation in their palm with their fingernail, and immediately knew that this was a lost cause.

Throwing the already dead body to the ground, I sat on the belly if the guy that had just committed suicide and just watched as a white froth foamed out of the guy's mouth.

'Even their method of suicide seems to be the same.'

Yes, back then, we had been brainwashed into committing suicide whenever we were caught, and thus, I had seen countless comrades taking their own life the second before falling into the inevitable hands of the opponent through the lens of a scope or something else as I escaped from the area.

Of course, I was talking about when we were still in training, as this had never been a sight the final team had to witness.

But yes, this method of death was very familiar to me, and this pretty much confirmed it.

Either one of the scientists from the facility had been reincarnated/transmigrated here too, one or a few of my comrades had been transmigrated here, or some combination of the two.

At this point, I hadn't even taken the directors into account, as they obviously had no knowledge of how to make the poison, and even if they had been reincarnated here with the rest of the gang, it was obvious that, this being a world where physical power ruled supreme, they had been killed immediately through either deceit or techniques after trying to be all arrogant.

'You know what? This might be a really good thing for this world. It'd spice up my life just the tiniest bit!'

And so, as I stared at the blood moon, my eyes glowing like a predator's eyes in the rustic darkness, sitting on the body of a figure clad in black, I couldn't help but voice out one thought,

"I have free cannon fodder to slaughter now, he, he, hehehehehehe..."


Could anyone please explain to me why was I laughing like a villain now...?

Honestly, it was disgusting, even for me.
