Mikayla's Truth

"Eh, just things ex-lovers would."

The two stare at each other as if they're about to start a fight. When in reality, they just want to know each other. Neither wants to admit it but the moment is awkward and stifling in an unfamiliar manner. It isn't until Eunice breaks eye contact, that she noticed Liam standing closer behind Mika.

"Eunice." Liam glares at her.

"Ha! Just kidding." She laughs, once again staring deep into Mika's eyes.

"I just want to have a talk with a friend of mine. Is anything wrong with that, Miss... Girlfriend?" Eunice tilts her head, still smiling at Mikayla. She is amused that she seems to be getting in Mika's nerves already.

Mika turns her head and looks at Liam, wanting him to do what he wants.

"Make it quick, Eunice." He says with a hollow voice as he walks out of the doorway with Eunice, as Mika shuts the door closed.

Mika goes back to the table to eat with her family, looking unbothered. Actually, she is the total opposite deep inside. She doesn't know why, but she seems to be very curious about Eunice, and her relationship with Liam.

Meanwhile, at the yard...

The two stand across each other near the gateway, staring at each other as if they hold deep grudges toward each other. They are both crossing their arms.

"I want you back." Eunice speaks up.

"Eunice. Did you seriously make me leave Mika for this sh*t? To waste my time—is that what you wanted?" Liam shouted at her, looking furious—so furious, it made Eunice lose her composure, but she only showed it by scoffing.

"What, are you that invested into her now? It's not like she's actually your girlfriend, now is it?" She complains back.

"Besides, I don't even know how you can keep acting all lovey-dovey with that b*tch! She's so plain, nothing about her is interesting, seriously!" She continues to speak, breaking Liam's limits and causing him to slap her.


He points his finger right in front of her nose, scaring her. "Don't you f*cking talk about my best friend like that. ever. again. Once more I hear you judge her, I won't think twice to do more to you than just a slap.", he adds.

Eunice froze both in fright and confusion. Why does he try to protect this girl so much? Why does he even care about a friend this much?

"Austin will know about this." She says as she leaves with a glare.

Liam locks the gate before he goes back inside the house to find the people scattered over the living room, enjoying themselves. Mikayla, however, is not there. Liam goes upstairs to find her reading a book in her bed.

"Mika?" He knocks on the opened door.

"Come in." She responds without even landing her eyes upon him. She acts very focused on what she's reading.

Liam closes the door behind him as he enters the covered room, then goes to jump into the bed close to Mika.

"What'd you talk about?" Mika starts the conversation while still focusing on her book.

"Nothing important."

Still reading in her book, she raises her eyebrows and says: "Oh, right, Liam. Can you stay here again until tomorrow? I'm not feeling well, I can't drive you home."

"Oh, it's fine, Mika. I can just-"

"Stay here." She looks at him lifelessly.

"Alright, Mika."

"Mm. Just take a day off for now, please."

He nods. She lets out a sigh and closes her book as she puts it away to focus on their conversation. "You wanna sleep in my bed tonight?"

His expression changes and he looks at her bewilderingly. "What? Why?"

"Nothing. Mama just asked why we don't sleep in the same bed when she looked earlier."

"I just thought maybe we're not being convincing enough.", she adds.

"Alright. Yea, I'll sleep next to you."

"Thanks, Liam. I really, I.. I really appreciate this. Thank you."

"What else are friends for?" He smiled.

The two rest and chat with each other more, until the butler Trevor knocks on the door and invites them to lunch. They follow him downstairs, where they find only Melody and Michael. Melody informs the two that while Arthur had gone to work, Theresa went on a lunch with her friends.

While they eat, they discuss the plan that Theresa had set up for the night. She wanted to have dinner by the pool, and she wants them to have fun. So, once their plates became empty, they all decided to have fun on their own in the living room while they wait for Arthur and Theresa to come back.

The married couple comes back after a few hours, and the maids are already starting to prepare the dishes for the dinner table that night. Theresa changed into better clothes before joining her maids in the kitchen, while the siblings, including Liam, help the butler and the driver prepare the poolside.

That night, Melody's boyfriend arrives to join the family, while Michael brought his friends over to the big pool located at their backyard. They had so much fun, and they got to know each other better. Also, they had a lot of food on the table which tasted so good that they finished everything before the visitors left.

Afterwards, in Mikayla's room...

"Liam, is there anything you need to tell me..?" She asks while she sits on her bed with her wet hair, meanwhile Liam dries his hair with a small towel.

He looks at her with his creased eyebrows. "No..? What do you mean?"

"Nothing. Nothing, Liam." Actually, she remembers the phone call from last night. Even now, she is wondering who it could be. That nickname, was it real, or just a play-play thing? Is Liam in a relationship with someone? Has he been in a relationship without his best friend knowing?

Liam lies on the bed after hanging the towel back in the bathroom. He pulls up the TV remote and looks at Mika. "Wanna watch TV?"

Mika laughs at him. "Sure."

The two fall asleep together in front of the TV not worrying about anything. This shows that they trust each other as best friends. Truth be told, they have been best friends for more than 6 years counting, so they are sure that neither of them would take advantage of nobody. That night, too, Theresa checked up on her daughter, and smiled in awe as she saw the two sleep beside each other. She also turned the TV off for the two before she left.

The next day, Melody invites her sister to hang out after driving Liam back home. The sisters go back to their hometown and stopped at a coffee shop. Melody smiled as they stared at each other from across their table, but her look changed after just a few seconds.

"Tell me the truth, Mika."

Mikayla's eyes widened. She was not expecting for this question to be asked by her, especially not in the way she did it.

"What do you mean?", Mikayla said.

Melody stared directly into the dark brown orbs of her sister's before her.

"I heard you, Mika. I heard you two talking that day. I heard how you begged him to help you, Mika." Mikayla is in shock. She didn't expect her sister to find out about everything, at least not yet. What is she going to do now? Is she in trouble? Does her whole family know? Did they know?

"I'm not mad, Mika. I just want you to tell me now and make good decisions." She added.

Mikayla lets out a sigh as she looks down in disappointment... in herself. She tries to make eye contact with her sister again and says: "I'm sorry."

Melody looks at her sister in empathy. She understands that Mika did this all to save herself from Theresa's wishes.

Actually, Theresa had been telling Melody to get married to another rich man they know, but Melody chose to refuse and fall in love on her own, which is why she and her mother don't share a lovely mother-and-daughter relationship even as of now.

Mikayla confirms her sister's assumptions and conclusions, from her conversation with Liam, even down to his gender. Although Mika didn't expect this to happen so soon, she realized that it sort of made her feel better as to revealing a secret to someone she trusts.

After finishing their drinks, Melody called over the family driver to bring her car since she had places to go. Now, Mika is alone at the coffee shop, figuring out what she wants to do because she did choose to stay there.

Ordering another drink, she saw a walking beautifully-figured lady in white skinny jeans talking on the phone. The lady stopped in front of the coffee shop, revealing her face as Mika reveals hers. It's Eunice Young, yet again.

The two gaped at each other for about three seconds, before Eunice smiled and put her phone in her bag and entered the coffee shop to sit with Mika.