Liam's Truth


The two gaped at each other for about three seconds, before Eunice smiled and put her phone in her bag and entered the coffee shop to sit with Mika.

"Been some time, Miss Girlfriend." She stretches out her hand for a handshake while she sits across Mika.

"Would have loved more time without you, Miss..." She looks Eunice up and down before she says: "Missus.. Ex-lover."

The teasing smile on their faces faded, although Eunice had a more feisty look on her face. She tilts her head once again "Why so bitter, love? I told you I was joking."

"Well for starters, Missus, you look like you're the type to be men's test drive." Hearing this from Mikayla, Eunice gasped slightly in frustration. "Plus.. Missus because you look ol- No, you are old." She emphasizes.

The two squint at each other from such a short distance in silence. Once again, they are both inclined to start a fight, but they know they wouldn't want to make a scandal in public.

The strong air of ferocity remain lingering around the both of them. In fact, it's stronger than ever; there is no mistaking that they are both getting in each other's nerves, and one doesn't think the other will take longer to just go crazy and scream in anger.

After a while, Eunice inhales air, and opens her mouth a little to exhale more out as she sits back on her chair with crossed arms. Meanwhile, Mikayla looks at her seriously, although her death stare isn't scaring Eunice at all—it's essentially a death stare contest.

"So, Miss Girlfriend." Eunice decides to clear out the bad energy around them. She tilts her head and says, "You've been friends with Liam for- How long has it been..? 7? Wait no, that's us, haha! You two have been friends for 6 years!" She widens her eyes as she giggles to tease Mikayla.

Eunice's expression surprisingly changes back to being empty in less than a second. "How well do you know him? Well.. Do you know him... at all?" She raises her eyebrows, while Mika creases hers—not in confusion, but annoyance.

"Are you even planning to say something meaningful?" She is done with Eunice's nonsense. At this point, she just wants to go home after, of course, leaving a slap on Eunice's face.

Eunice chuckles slightly. "Alright, Miss Impatient Girlfriend. I'll tell you what I'm really about."

"I'll introduce myself to you properly since Liam ruined it. I'm Eunice Young, your... boyfriend's ex-girlfriend."

"Oh, so you are a test drive?" Mikayla responds, which made her opponent look furious once again. When in reality, she is surprised that her gay best friend has actually had a girlfriend.

"Don't celebrate yet, Miss Girlfriend."

"Your boyfriend has a boyfriend of his own." She cackles out loud. "Haha! Isn't that amazing? Your boyfriend having another boyfriend! Well, I mean he's not your actual boyfriend but eh—whatever.", she adds, both confusing and infuriating Mikayla.

"What? You think I'm still kidding? Girl, wake up! Ring a bell! You know Austin Wang, that famous top-notch actor? He's dating your boyfriend, you blind psycho!" She raises her tone even more with her volume, making sure to enrage the already enraged brunette before her.

By now, Mikayla is not quite sure of what to feel or what to focus on first: the truth behind her gay best friend, or the b*tch sitting in front of her only to get in her nerves?

"Oh, right. I need to explain everything to you. Ahh, almost forgot about that.." Eunice lets out a sigh as she sits back in calmness once again as she starts to clear up everything for Mikayla Lin.

"We actually started dating months before you two met, and he was already gay that time but he wasn't sure. Ahh, we used to be so happy until you came. Until he started paying attention to you more. He broke up with me because he claimed I was going crazy?! When you're the reason I was going paranoid?!"

"*sigh* Well anyway, we still talked from time to time. He would still tell me about his special times." She added.

"So-" Mikayla tried to speak, but: "I'm not done.", said Eunice.

"Austin Wang.. They're actually childhood friends—way before he became an actor, and Austin was my neighbor in senior high school, so I always saw the two of them hanging out. Little did I know they were already dating then."

"And they've been dating since! There, I'm done. You're welcome." She says as her lips form a curved line.

Mikayla thinks about everything: everything Eunice told her, and the phone call she saw that one night. She still does not know how to react, nor does she have any idea of what to say. She is indeed frozen in shock and in perplexity.

"Can't believe it? Why don't you ask him right now, yourself?" Eunice raises a brow as she takes her bag with her to leave the puzzled woman alone.

About an hour later, Mikayla rests in her bed still trying to figure things out. She just can't believe that her long-time best friend hasn't told her anything about these things at all. She has a lot of questions she wants answers for but she knows that none of them will be answered unless Liam's willing to talk about it and she'd rather not do that.

She has no idea how he could have kept something like this a secret for so long from her, but she didn't really feel betrayed. In fact, she feels guilty for forcing Liam into their fake relationship without knowing that he has been in a relationship since senior high.

Thinking of that same thing over and over again, she decides to pick her phone up and call Liam. He answers while he's on-shift.


"Liam, can we talk?"

"Sure. About what?"

"We can stop this make-believe relationship now. I'll tell my parents I broke up with you. I'm sorry for dragging you into this for way too long." She sighs over the phone.

"It's no big problem, Mika. I'm thankful I got to help you out. You sure you can do the rest?"

"Yes, Liam. Thank you."

"Liam?" She calls for him once more.

"Yes, Mika?"

"You sure you don't have anything to tell me?" She is worried. Since she's asked this twice now, she hopes that Liam takes the hint that she's find out about everything. She just wants Liam to not hide anything from her.

"I'm sure...? Mika, is there something wrong?"

"No, Liam. I'm alright. I'll see you soon. I'll be leaving tonight. Bye-bye." She ends the call.

She lies flat in her bed once again as she stares at the ceiling. She's had quite a peculiar day, to say the least. I mean, worrying about her sister finding out about everything, and now she has to worry about her best friend's love life.

Soon, she goes to take a quick shower before eating dinner with her family. There, Theresa asks why Liam had left too soon, which made Mikayla explain that they, well, "broke up". She drives herself back to the university afterwards.

A couple days later, Mika has been doing well for herself. In fact, her life is going quite well lately that she has started to forget everything, including sweating about Liam's secrets. Although truth be told, a certain part of her life was never quite alright to begin with, and it all began because of her mother.

Moving on, Mikayla was invited by Liam to an indoor food court for that evening. She was picked up by Liam with another man in his car from their dormitory. Mikayla sat herself down at the backseat while Liam sits at the passenger seat, making Austin the driver.

"Austin Wang." He breaks the long, awkward silence in the car.

"Mikayla Lin."

The two are raising their brows—they both know each other. So far, they seem to not have that chemistry. Essentially, Liam is what they're fighting over, after all.